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6th ProZ.com Translation Contest

Romanian to English


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În după-amiaza acelei zile pariziene văzusem, la Centrul Pompidou, o mare expoziţie André Breton, pretext, de fapt, pentru o desfăşurare de imagerie suprarealistă cum rareori poţi vedea într-un singur loc. Mă însoţiseră prietenii la care locuiam, un cuplu tânăr, mixt în mai multe sensuri, căci reunea două rase, două religii şi două arte, dar mai ales două fizionomii extrem de contrastante. Ei îi priveam faţa reflectată în sticla vreunui Delvaux şi părea chiar de acolo, înconjurată natural de femei goale şi blonde aşteptând (pe cine?) într-o gară pustie. Era aidoma lor, cu excepţia părului tăiat violent la ceafă. Şi, fireşte, a hainelor, între care faimoasa cămaşă bărbătească, neagră, în care o văzusem de cele mai multe ori în săptămâna cât stătusem cu ei. Cum îşi găsise românca asta sibiancă algerianul cu care locuia, habar n-am. Legătura mea fusese, fireşte, ea, prin intermediul unei prietene comune, tot muziciană. El era un berber mândru de originea lui, marcată prin tichia de catifea cu ape vişinii şi cu fund de atlaz albastru de care cred că nu se despărţea niciodată. Astfel, era, ca şi ea, haios, nepăsător, cam leneş... Imposibil de spus din ce trăia. Căci mă-ndoiesc că din actorie, cum (nici măcar nu) pretindea: nu cred că Othello – singurul rol în care-l vedeam cât de cât – se juca prea des în acele zile la Paris... Din toată expoziţia mi-a rămas în minte doar o singură pictură. Cred că sunt ţicnit: uneori iubesc câte un tablou atât de tare, încât literalmente îmi vine să dau spargere la muzeu şi să plec cu el. Era „Le soir qui tombe” al lui Magritte: o fereastră spartă, cioburi lungi aşezate sub ea în picioare şi soarele de amurg răsfrânt în ele sub unghiuri diferite...

Entry #3833 - Points: 18 - WINNER!
In the afternoon of that Paris day I went to the Centre Pompidou to see a large André Breton exhibition that was actually, I believe, an excuse to deploy a vast surrealist imagery rarely seen in one place. I was accompanied by friends I was staying with, a young couple, heterogeneous in more than one sense, for it combined two races, two faiths and two arts, but what’s more, two extremely contrasting countenances. Hers was the face I was watching  reflected by the glass over some Delvaux, Show full text

Bravo Nadia, congratulations- I voted yours as my first choice !!!
Monika Silea
My first choice as well! Congratulations!
Entry #3911 - Points: 14
During that afternoon in Paris, at the Pompidou Center, I had just seen a major André Breton show, in fact a pretext for a display of surrealist imagery rarely captured under one roof. I went in the company of the friends I was staying with, a young couple, mixed in more than one sense, since it blended two races, two religions and two arts, but more specifically two sets of extremely contrasting features. She, I would look at her face reflection in the Delvaux glass and she seemed to have always Show full text

Entry #3902 - Points: 11
That Parisian afternoon I had gone to the Pompidou Center to see a big André Breton exhibition, a pretext, in fact, for a display of surrealist imagery that one can rarely see all in one place. I was accompanied by the friends I was staying with, a young couple, mixed from multiple points of view, for they brought together two very different races, religions, and arts, and especially two very contrasting physiognomies. I was looking at her face reflected in the glass of a Delvaux, and she looked Show full text

Well done, you hit the spot with the ...."velvet FEZ" !!!
Andreea Ciurea
You were my fist choice too, congratulations for finding the right word (fez)
Entry #4567 - Points: 8
On the afternoon of that Parisian day I had seen a big André Breton exhibition at the Pompidou Centre. This was actually a pretext for a presentation of surrealistic imagery you can rarely see in a single place. I was accompanied by the friends who were hosting me, a young couple, a mixture from various points of view, as they represented two races, two religions and two arts, but especially two highly contrasting physiognomies. I looked at her face, reflected in the glass of some Delvaux and it Show full text

Entry #4609 - Points: 6
Emanuel Bod
Georgiana Vasilescu (X)
In the afternoon of that Parisian day I had seen, at the Pompidou Center, a great exhibition of André Breton, a pretext, in fact, for a display of surrealistic imagery as you can rarely see in a single place. My friends, who put me up, accompanied me, a young couple, mixed in several ways, as it brought together two races, two religions and two arts, but above all two extremely opposite physiognomies. I looked at her face as it reflected in the glass of a Delvaux and it seemed to belong there, naturally Show full text

Entry #4321 - Points: 4
Monika Silea
That afternoon in Paris at the Pompidou Centre, I visited a spectacular André Breton exhibition that was merely an excuse for a display of surreal imagery that can only rarely be gathered together under the same roof. My friends, where I stayed, joined me: a young mixed couple in more than one way, as it blended together two races, two religious beliefs, as well as two artistic expressions, but most of all, two extremely contrasting countenances. I watched her face mirrored in the pane of a Delvaux: Show full text

Entry #3698 - Points: 1
During the afternoon of that Parisian day I had seen a great André Breton exhibition at the Pompidou Centre, a pretext, in fact, for a display of surrealist imagery one can rarely witness in a single location. I had been accompanied by the friends I lived with, a young couple, mixed under several meanings of the word, for it reunited two races, two religions and two arts, but foremost two extremely contrasting physiognomies. It was her face I was looking at, reflected in the glass of some Delvaux Show full text

Entry #4489 - Points: 0
Liuba Andrianov
In the afternoon of that day in Paris, I had seen a great exhibition - André Breton.  It was at the Pompidou Center, which was actually an excuse for a display of surrealist imagery, rarely able to be seen in one single place.  I was accompanied by my friends I was living with - a young couple mixed from different points of view, because it was reuniting two races, two religions and two arts but most of all two extremely contrasting appearance.  
I was looking at Show full text

Feedback - 6th ProZ.com Translation Contest
This space is provided for feedback and suggestions about the contest in this particular language pair.
As we have already planned, this feature is now open to all members (full, community and student members).

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