Translator scam alerts are short emails which are sent to subscribers as soon as information on a new or returning scam targeting language professionals is reported. These alerts are designed to help you stay abreast of potential false job offers or other scams and how to react to them. Each scam alert contains key information which will help to identify the scam. Sharing scam alerts and otherwise getting the word out to fellow colleagues is encouraged, as this may help prevent others from becoming victims to a scam.

 Previous translator scam alerts can be found here.

Translator scam newsletters are short digests which are sent out periodically and include some of the latest information on scams targeting language professionals, tips and tricks in scam detection and management, general information on risk management for translators and interpreters, and other useful news. members can subscribe to translator scam alerts and newsletters from this page.
To learn more about the benefits of membership for the serious language professional, see this page.