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Elisa Farina发布自ProZ.com分享:

German > Italian – Translation – Description of a new via ferrata in the Alps. Translating the route has been just as tough as climbing on it. Ok, that's not true, but it hasn't been easy. Terminology used by climbers is specific and technical. For example, what's "Quergang", "Reibungstechnik" or "Schlüsselstelle" in Italian? Through extensive research I discovered it's "traverso", "aderenza" and "passaggio chiave". https://bit.ly/3qnskwR | https://bit.ly/2LCN0SG | https://bit.ly/2XE2Pv3


1 userI Do That

  • German德语译成Italian意大利语
  • 2400字
  • Tourism & Travel