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Subtitling, Translation, Transcription, Language instruction, Native speaker conversation
գերմաներենից բուլղարերեն, անգլերենից բուլղարերեն, բուլղարերենից գերմաներեն, and 4 more.
Specializes in
Կինո, ֆիլմեր, հեռուստացույց, դրամա, Կրթություն / Մանկավարժություն, Լեզվաբանություն, and 3 more.
Native in
բուլղարերեն Native in բուլղարերեն profile photo
Paraskevi (Evi) Karageorgu
Jun 29, 2023

Average WWA rating given: 5.00

(1 entry)

pinned feedback
Rositsa's work on the project has been excellent - she works in a very professional manner, promptly and very efficiently, communicating with her was a pleasure.
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Rositsa Nedyalkova (this provider)

Thank you for the opportunity to work on this interesting project, it has been a pleasure to collaborate with you :)

Rositsa's work on the project has been excellent - she works in a very professional manner, promptly and very efficiently, communicating with her was a pleasure. profile photo
Radu Sargu
Oct 18, 2021 Blue Board Polilingua
Avg. LWA : 4.9 (749 entries)
Great work!

Outsourcer feedback
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Aug 13, 2021
Susana Loureiro

Willing to work with again: Yes

There is no other feedback to show at this time.

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