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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Meet the ProZ team in Nairobi

January 31, 2025, 4:00 pm
ՔենիաNairobiIn personանգլերեն
Join us for an exciting in-person meetup on Friday, January 31st, at 4:00 PM, where you'll have the unique opportunity to interact and engage with Henry Dotterer, the founder of, alongside fellow language service providers.

This is a fantastic chance to network, share experiences, and connect with like-minded professionals in the translation and localization industry.

Save the date—we can't wait to see you there!

Where: Sarit Centre Expo Centre (Makunga Meeting Room)

Event Organizers:

Henry Dotterer

Denis Maingi

Login to add your name to the list of people interested.Click here to login now.

Click here to register. (It is free.) Users attending this Powwow

: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (39) / Confirmed: 13
Name NoteWill Attend
Charlotte Gathoni  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  
Henry Dotterer  \"Organizer\" Looking forward to meeting with our ProZ members in Kenya again!  
Denis Maingi  \"Organizer\" ...  
Kevin Kiprotich   ...  
Brian Njoroge   ...  
Abdikhani Mohamed   ...  
Faith Ndungu   ...  
Salim suleiman   ...  
Cuiyao Wang   ...  
Shamsudin Mohamed   ...  
Mohamed Abdi   ...  
Esther Sakwanda   ...  y
ApexFreelance   ...  
Ibrahim Mohamed   ...  
Winnie Wairimu   Winnie Wairimù   y
James Mulindwa  \"Photographer\" \"Host\" James mulindwa   y
Mohamed Hassan   Looking forward to meet you all in person  y
Ismail Ali   ...  
Markabo   ...  
Abdirizack Ahmed   See you all in person  y
Mercy Ayabei   ...  y
Hanningtone Omollo  \"Reporter\" Hanningtone Omollo   y
Muno Abdikarim Farah   Muna Abdikarin farah   y
Charles Kariuki   ...  
Eleanor Odhiambo   ...  
Elijah Koome   ...  
Gladys Cherotich   Looking forward to my first powwow!!  y
Naftaly Maina   ...  y
hamdi harir yussuf   Hamdi harir yussuf   y
Abdirahman Abdiaziz   ...  
Hussam Salih   ...  y
Ayub Hussein   ...  
Alphonce Kapere   Interested in meeting other interpreters.  y
Greg Muco   ...  
Derrick Reece   ...  
Matthias Kavuttih   ...  n
Abdi Muhumed   ...  
Abdirahman Ibrahim   Abdirahman Ibrahim   
Ayiik Maluk   ...  

Postings about this event

Powwow: Nairobi - Kenya
Henry Dotterer
Henry Dotterer
Local time: 23:46
Hi! Looking forward! Please introduce yourself here! Jan 21

Hi folks. I am Henry Dotterer, founder and president of I am looking forward to being with our team and community in Kenya again at this powwow. If you are able to attend this event, please consider introducing yourself here in the powwow's discussion area. Personally, I hope to learn as much as I can about the local community and your work / careers, and "meeting" you in advance will help. Thank you!

Charlotte Gathoni
Ibrahim Mohamed
James Mulindwa
Naftaly Maina
Gladys Cherotich
Alphonce Kapere
hamdi harir yussuf

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