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A&L Simonyan Translations

Hilden, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Գերմանիա
Տեղական ժամանակ: 12:55 CET (GMT+1)

Մայրենի՝ հայերեն Native in հայերեն, գերմաներեն Native in գերմաներեն
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Հաշվի տեսակը Translation agency/company employee or owner
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Ծառայությունները Translation, Interpreting, Project management, Sales
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All accepted currencies Euro (eur)
Payment methods accepted Դրամական փոխանցում, PayPal, Skrill, Paypal & Skrill
Փորձառությունը Փորձառության տարիները՝ 25։ ProZ.com-ում գրանցման ամսաթիվը՝ Nov 2010։
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Համակարգչային ծրագրերը Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, FrameMaker, Frontpage, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint
Կայքը http://www.simonyan-uebersetzungen.de
A&L Simonyan translation office was established in 2001 and offers high quality and on time services to our clients.

With our small team of professionals, we have been offering our customers for 14 years the following major languages ​​and language combinations with competitive price offers and punctual delivery times:

1) English to Armenian
2) English to Georgian
3) English to Azerbaijani
4) English to Turkmen
5) English to Kazakh
6) English to Kirghiz
7) English to Uzbek
8) English to Chechen
9) English to Tajik
10) English to Russian
11) English to Ukrainian
12) English to Belarusian
13) English to Arabic
14) English to Kurdish
15) English to Persian
16) English to Pashto (Pushto)
17) English to Turkish
18) English to all Western and Eastern European and Asian languages
19) Technical translations and more (all languages)
20) Language detections and more (all languages)
21) Add the information in Internet (all languages)

We offer translations and elaboration of the following documents ( e.g. Marriage Certificates, Birth Certificates, Death Certificates, Passports, Driving License, Contracts, etc.) alongside with the necessary certifications and accreditations, Apostille.

Due to many years of experience we offer translations in many language combinations, including those both from and to English.

Our prices are highly competitive and are set according to "supply and demand" principle. We ALWAYS take into account our Partners’ wishes.

We offer translations and simultaneous interpretations in all the sectors (e.g. Engineering, Heavy Industry, Legal Documents, Manuals, Technical Brochures and Catalogs, Flyers, Web Sites, etc.) and work exclusively with native speakers and professionals.

Please find attached our flyer for your information.

Could you please kindly forward our business offer to the responsible departments, etc., which would like to cooperate with us.

We are also willing to possibly conclude framework agreements with you!

For more information please visit our website:

We would be glad to hear from you and look forward to long term cooperation very much!
Հիմնաբառերը՝ Alle languagies Russian Armenian translation Persian Arabic Russian Moscow Simonyan Armenian billig cheap low Berlin Düsseldorf Business Übersetzung schnell Technik Mazedonisch Albanisch Georgisch Englisch Urdu Paschtu Pashto Dari Türkisch Kasachisch Usbekisch Kirgisisch Tadschikisch Iran Diplom Doktorarbeit work reply Work перевод թարգմանություն corporate Germany Russia

Բնութագրի վերջին արդիացում
Dec 25, 2020