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Local time: 13:41
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Chinaberry & China Grove Mar 27, 2015

wherestip wrote: Texas has a City of China too


CHINA, TEXAS. China is on U.S. Highway 90 ten miles west of Beaumont in northwestern Jefferson County. The Texas and New Orleans Railroad was completed through the area in 1860, and a water stop was established amidst a grove of chinaberry trees near the community's present location; the stop was dubbed China Grove. A post office by that name was authorized in March 1887 but was discontinued within two months. Another office, using the shorter name China, was established in 1893.

Melia Azedarach____________Photo: Bugwood.org

台湾苦楝紫花开 如烟似雾浪漫动人

China Grove - Doobie Brothers

The Story behind The Doobie Brothers' "China Grove"

Curly Seckler and The Nashville Grass:
“China Grove (NC), My Home Town”


[Edited at 2015-03-27 23:58 GMT]

[Edited at 2015-03-28 16:15 GMT]

David Lin
David Lin  Identity Verified
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Stunning 火红木棉大道 Mar 28, 2015

QHE wrote: 台湾苦楝紫花开 如烟似雾浪漫动人



我想 。 。 。






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Local time: 13:41
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"Sitting in the Palmtree" Mar 29, 2015

"Sitting in the Palmtree" - ABBA

"Adieu, Foulard"( Adieu to My Island) - The Kingston Trio

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Local time: 13:41
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北京老街"旧貌" Mar 29, 2015



[Edited at 2015-03-29 23:30 GMT]

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Local time: 13:41
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Calligram Mar 31, 2015

On March 31th 1889, the Eiffel Tower in Paris was opened to the public


Français : "Salut monde dont je suis la langue éloquente que sa bouche Ô Paris tire et tirera toujours aux allemands" ___ Guillaume Apollinaire


[Edited at 2015-03-31 23:59 GMT]

[Edited at 2015-04-01 00:45 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
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Local time: 12:41
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亚洲基础设施投资银行 Mar 31, 2015



The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) was one of the topics on last week's "The McLaughlin Group"...



Issue Two: Can't Beat 'Em, Join ‘Em.


JEN PSAKI, STATE DEPARTMENT SPOKESWOMAN: The decision of any country to join is certainly a decision made by a sovereign country, but it will be important for prospective members of AIIB to push for the adoption at those same high standards, including strong board oversight and safeguards, and the international community certainly has a stake in seeing the AIIB compliments (sic) and works effectively alongside existing architecture, excuse me, that's already in place that does have those high standards.

MCLAUGHLIN (voice-over): China has created a new International Development Bank, the Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank, AIIB.

For months, with personal calls to world leaders, President Obama tried to dissuade European and Asian allies from joining the new bank as founder members. He worries that China will use the AIIB to buy political patronage from Asian Nations and to dillute American influence in the region.

But ignoring the US president’s protests earlier this month, the United Kingdom and other European nations join the AIIB anyway.

So, now, President Obama has changed tack. Today, he’s saying that the World Bank and the new Chinese bank should work together, quote-unquote, "co-funding development projects in Asia and beyond".

But it's clear that China has scored a stunning diplomatic victory, bringing close American allies on board as founder members of the bank.

China has outmaneuvered the U.S. government and shaken up the foundations of international finance.


MCLAUGLIN: Question: what does it say about American influence that our European allies turned deaf ears to President Obama's appeals not to join the Asian infrastructure bank?

I ask you, Tom.

ROGAN: I think actually, in this case, -- you know, I’m normally pretty critical of President Obama's foreign policy -- I think the Europeans are concerned about the economic potential with this bank with China, the AIIB. And so, they are just predicating that is(sic) their sole focus. They want to be able to make money off it. They want to be able to get the business projects, and they see it as an economic opportunity that is too lucrative to turn down, and that is their perspective.

CLIFT: Yes, China has got a lot of money to throw around, and they have a command and control economy. So, they don't have to go through a lot of decision-making, and the at(sic) Obama administration's pivot to Asia has been less than robust, you might say. And so, there's a bit of a vacuum there.

I mean, I think it's a diplomatic coup for China, but it's certainly not the end of the special relationship with the U.K. It's an irritant, I think to the president, but he seems to have found a way to turn it into something positive with these joint projects.

BUCHANAN: But the Europeans are looking to the future, John. Look, China has $4 trillion in cash reserves. This $50 billion they’re putting up for the AIIB is peanuts. But the Europeans are looking at the Chinese as an economy that is virtually the size of the United States, but it's growing still at 6 or 7 percent. It's the nation in(sic) the future in Asia. It’s going to build the silk roads by land and a silk road by sea, all the infrastructure projects.

And while they like the Americans, they are good friends, Tom is right, they're not going to cut themselves out of this huge pie, if they can get themselves some slices of it. They are good capitalists in Europe after all up(sic).

GLASTRIS: Let's turn this back a little bit get to the origin to this problem. In 2010, you know, the Obama administration orchestrated a deal to open up the IMF, the International Monetary Fund, to allow China, India, Brazil, some of these other countries, to have a little bit more influence, which needed to happen. This was also the year Republicans turn up(sic) took over Congress, Republicans refused to ratify it.

This was how we were going to rope China into the international system. Unable to do that, China and many other countries were sort of fed up with the United States and its control of these Bretton Woods organizations, and now, you see this coming back to haunt them. This is a case where the dysfunction in Washington is hurting us internationally.

ROGAN: I do --

MCLAUGHLIN: They know that they can be dismissive of Obama without paying an unnecessarily high price. The Chinese know that.

GLASTRIS: Well, look, we know that China is a rising power. We have to find international mechanisms to channel that power, channel that money in ways that work for everybody.

The way to do that was to get them into the international organizations that we control. But by not doing that, now, they have any(sic) international organization they control.

CLIFT: Right. The same thing --

MCLAUGHLIN: Because they know that Obama is a lame duck.

CLIFT: Well --

GLASTRIS: They know that Obama can't get anything done because Republicans won't pass anything in Congress.

MCLAUGHLIN: Right, lame duck.

CLIFT: It’s the same thing with the trade deals. I mean, the president is talking about, you want to get the other countries, the Asian countries in to play by the rules, and if that's not ratified, then they create their own rules. So, Obama gets what’s happening and he’s trying to fix it.


BUCHANAN: Paul is right, you know, Dumbarton Woods -- Bretton Woods and Dumbarton Oaks, and all these institutions, World Bank was created around the end of World War II, IMF which created then, Asian Development Bank is run by the Japanese now. It’s a Japanese-American thing.

I think China is saying, look, we don't want to necessarily all get together, we want to be number one. We’ll build our own institutions.

MCLAUGHLIN: Let’s exit with this. Exit question: on a salesmanship scale from zero to 10, zero meaning Willie Lomax in "Death of a Salesman", and 10 meaning Tony Robbins "Unleash the Power Within". Rate President Obama's powers of persuasion with American allies, zero to 10.

Pat Buchanan?

BUCHANAN: Attention must be paid. It’s Willie Loman.

CLIFT: I give him in(sic) eight. He’s kept thinking(sic) the Europeans on board with sanctions against Russia. He’s involved in world talks to restrain the Iranian nuclear ambitions. He's – America, via Barack Obama, is still pretty powerful on the world stage. Eight.

ROGAN: Yes, I'm going to cut Eleanor’s in half, four. But I would just simply say, I think the opportunity for United States going forwards with China with these international regulation view banks is that ultimately, wealth and capital will still flow through American systems because the rule of law there in the credibility and the transparency is far greater and always will be far greater than that of China.

MCLAUGHLIN: So theres a happy ending here?

GLASTRIS: I give him a two on the AIIB, but about an eight on everything else.

MCLAUGHLIN: Well, I think that’s quite reasonable.

[Edited at 2015-03-31 18:29 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
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Local time: 12:41
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Hmm ... Mar 31, 2015

QHE wrote:


That's a pretty sharp tongue.

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Local time: 13:41
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Happy March 32 :D Apr 1, 2015

The clock repair

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Local time: 13:41
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Easter Oratorio Apr 3, 2015


J.S.Bach: Oster-Oratorium BWV 249 "Kommt, eilet und laufet"

Sinfonia - Philippe Herreweghe (conductor)

Adagio (Flute and Harp)

“Kommt, eilet und laufet” (Aria)

“Seele, deine Spezereien” (Aria)

“Saget, saget mir geschwinde” (Aria)

"Preis und Dank" (Chorus)

[Edited at 2015-04-03 19:01 GMT]

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Local time: 13:41
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"choco" mini eggs Apr 4, 2015

Dark Chocolate Might Keep Doctor Away:





[Edited at 2015-04-04 18:41 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
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Local time: 12:41
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That reminds me of this children's song Apr 4, 2015


My Choc'late Rabbit (Rosemary Clooney)

I got a brand new Easter outfit
A coat and hat, and all the rest
But there was one thing more from the candy store
That I really loved the best

I got a chocolate rabbit

For a special treat

A great big chocolate rabbit

Sw... See more

My Choc'late Rabbit (Rosemary Clooney)

I got a brand new Easter outfit
A coat and hat, and all the rest
But there was one thing more from the candy store
That I really loved the best

I got a chocolate rabbit

For a special treat

A great big chocolate rabbit

Sweet enough to eat

So I ate his ears on Sunday

His nose I finished Monday

And Tuesday I nibbled on his feet

I ate his tail on Wednesday

Thursday I kept on

By Friday he was going

Saturday he was gone

Oh, I loved my chocolate rabbit

From the moment that he came

And if I get another one

I'll love him just the same

[Edited at 2015-04-05 01:08 GMT]

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Local time: 13:41
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The Easter Parade Apr 5, 2015


The Easter Parade

What shall I wear for the Easter Parade?
A dress that’s the color of marmalade
With a border embroidered
in light blue cornflowers
Like the edge of a meadow
after spring showers
And a matching hat round
as a top you can spin
And elastic to hold it on under my chin
And brand-new shoes
whiter than newly-poured cream
With heart-shaped,
golden buckles that gleam;
And I’ll carry a small purse
of butterfly blue
With a penny for me and a penny for you
To buy us both glasses of cold lemonade
When we walk, hand in hand,
in the Easter Parade.

~ William Jay Smith ~

[Edited at 2015-04-05 15:51 GMT]

[Edited at 2015-04-05 18:28 GMT]

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Local time: 13:41
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Air Apr 6, 2015

J. S. Bach - Air on the G String (Suite No. 3, BWV 1068)








[Edited at 2015-04-06 15:46 GMT]

David Lin
David Lin  Identity Verified
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十字饱 、 豆沙饱 Apr 6, 2015

QHE wrote:

Dark Chocolate Might Keep Doctor Away:

英国人庆祝复活节,除了吃五彩缤纷的复活蛋外,不能没有美味可口的甜点十字饱 hot cross bun。










祖母在北京居住多年,来到我家居住初期,对于北方的饮食和语言习惯,一时不能改变,且表现非常依恋。记得一次家附近新开了一家上海馆子 “五芳斋” ,她很兴奋的回来告诉我们,并手里拿著一包两包的热腾腾的饺子、锅贴、馒头、花卷、菜肉饱和豆沙饱。


当时我年纪还少(大约十岁左右),并不了解她的心情,而且有时候还会取笑她说话为什么会文绉绉的。她也只会看著我慈祥地说,这是北京话。 北京,对当时的我来说,只是一个地方名词,完全不能领略其中的意思。








wherestip  Identity Verified
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Local time: 12:41
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The taxman cometh Apr 9, 2015


The only major group that saw an increase in their chances of an audit last year? Taxpayers living overseas. New laws and regulations on investments held overseas have made their tax filing much more difficult.

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