Oil and Gas Dictionary
Շարքի հրապարակողը: cheryl bermudez
cheryl bermudez
cheryl bermudez  Identity Verified
Միացյալ Նահանգներ
Local time: 20:39
անգլերենից իսպաներեն
+ ...
Feb 1, 2009

Does anyone know where in New York can I find a good Oil and Gas Dictionary?. An online will work too.


Adi Al-Ka'bi
Adi Al-Ka'bi
Local time: 05:39
արաբերենից անգլերեն
+ ...
A Number Of Glossaries That I hope You Find Useful Feb 1, 2009


... See more















If you do not find a specific term that you are seeking in any of those above, simply search for the term on its own. If the term is also a general term combine it with the field that the topic is involved with.

Example - Suppose you are searching for a term YYY, search for "YYY gas oil petroleum". That will limit the search to the related term only.

The above are mainly English - English glossaries. If you are looking for say a specific Spanish-English glossary and can't find it, you might try to type a few terms that you know in both languages along with the unknown term. If you are lucky you'll maybe come up with an article or topic that provides you with the term translated in the article or page that comes up. Keep a reference of from where you got the translation. If it's wrong you can always blame the person that put it on the Internet. . But first make sure it's logical. If not and you get frustrated from searching, improvise a term that best explains the meaning and slant it into Italics or set it in delimiters to point out that it's maybe not in the normal dictionaries yet.

[Edited at 2009-02-01 10:58 GMT]

Sebastian Abbo
Sebastian Abbo
Local time: 02:39
ֆրանսերենից անգլերեն
Lexicool oil and gas dictionary listing Feb 1, 2009

You could try out the following:


On the second page (result number 11) there is an online Spanish-English-French Petroleum and gas dictionary that looks like it could be useful to you.


Magda Dziadosz
Magda Dziadosz  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:39
Անդամ (2004)
անգլերենից լեհերեն
+ ...
A collection of oil & gas dictionaries: Feb 1, 2009

I compiled once a collection of them: http://www.kmm-language.com/bookshelf_000021.htm

Some links may be outdated, but most should work.


Elías Sauza
Elías Sauza  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:39
Անդամ (2002)
անգլերենից իսպաներեն
+ ...
This one in English-Spanish-English Feb 1, 2009

Look for this one in a major book store:

Glossary of the Petroleum Industry, English-Spanish & Spanish-English, Glosario de la Industria Petrolera, Penwell Books

I have this one and it has been a good resource in this field during years.


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