Translation glossary: Liz Askew's French-English medical glossary

Showing entries 251-300 of 481
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Kc opératoireKC (Surgical procedures and specialties performed by the physician) 
French to English
KOkey object 
French to English
L BMrelease of mucus plug 
French to English
l'écoute du ventriculeventricular sensing 
French to English
l'embolisation seuleembolisation solely 
French to English
la base de l'étage moyenmiddle cranial base/cranial base/middle skull base 
French to English
la sevrage ventilatoireventilatory weaning 
French to English
labio-pelvi-lingualelips, floor of the mouth and tongue 
French to English
laissant persister une perte de substance osseuseletting a loss of bone substance continue 
French to English
lame(sheet) drain 
French to English
lame multi-tubuléecorrugated drain 
French to English
lap countcompresses pour laparotomie 
English to French
French to English
largeur présentée face à la patiente[the width of the x-ray tube], the width facing the patient/the width from the patient's standpoint 
French to English
latency P300 event-related potentials (ERP) testl'examen des PEC (potentiels évoqués cognitifs), en particulier la latence de l'onde P300 
English to French
lavage mécaniquemechanical lavage 
French to English
l’enchaînement des préparations galéniquessequence/series of pharmaceutical preparations 
French to English
l’ensemble rachis-bassinthe spine and pelvis 
French to English
L’indépendance des traitements de l’identité faciale et de l’expression émotionnelleprocessing 
French to English
Le signe du "double épanchement"double effusion sign 
French to English
le tiers moyen du TRthe middle third of the patellar tendon 
French to English
les cephalées hyperalgiques en casquesevere frontal headaches 
French to English
les salièressupraclavicular fossae (SCF) [spaces above the clavicles] 
French to English
les tables de sortie maxillaireseruption charts 
French to English
les vaccins sont très fortement dosésthe vaccines are [very] high-dose vaccines/ones 
French to English
French to English
LLDASLe statut de faible activité de la maladie lupique (LLDAS) 
English to French
loge thyroïdiennethyroid bed 
French to English
Lung Volume Reduction CoilCoil de réduction du volume pulmonaire 
English to French
Majoration forfaits modulables pour chirurgien secteur 1 ou 2 optionnelincrement/Increase in modular/scaled fees for surgeons in sector 1 or 2, or optional 
French to English
malposition transversetransverse lie 
French to English
manutention et mise sur terre-pleinmaintenance and platform storage 
French to English
Marginale bassethe lower second marginal branch 
French to English
matériaux de référence supérieurshigher-order reference materials 
French to English
matériaux de référence supérieurshigher-order reference materials 
French to English
matières plastiquesbuilding blocks 
French to English
mécanisme probablement mixteprobably multifactorial mechanism 
French to English
médecin réalisateurphysician performing the procedure 
French to English
médiastinaleupper lobe branch of the right pulmonary artery 
French to English
médié parmediated by 
French to English
métastatique surexprimant MUC-1over-expression of MUC-1 in metastatic [lesions/cancer] 
French to English
membres supérieurs en chandelierupper extremties/arms in the "W" position 
French to English
MGLIMA (Left Internal Mammary Artery) 
French to English
micro-lacunairesmall cavities 
French to English
microscopie optique avec contraste de phasephase contrast microscopy (PCM) 
French to English
mis á charge du patientpayable by the patient 
French to English
mise au point (here)review/in-depth review 
French to English
mise à plat greffeopen surgical technique 
French to English
mise en stabilitéstability testing 
French to English
French to English
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