| Նյութը | Հրապարակողը Պատասխանները (Դիտակերպեր) Ամենավերջին ուղերձը |
 | Paralela aligner | 0 (1,262) |
 | How to run terminology check in large TMs? | 7 (3,196) |
 | Extracting project-relevant units from a large TM | 6 (2,583) |
 | Translating .indt files | 7 (3,087) |
 | Excel: How to translate highlighted but empty cells? ( 1... 2) | 17 (5,943) |
 | Importing autocorrect tables in CAT tools | 12 (3,868) |
 | Free non open source CAT tool? | 4 (2,748) |
 | An algorithm for segmentation? | 1 (1,460) |
 | Automated Translation Tool | 0 (1,136) |
 | Translating Final Draft (.fdx) English to Czech | 0 (1,261) |
 | Efficiency of using CAT tools in comparison to using none ( 1, 2, 3... 4) | 48 (26,928) |
 | Can I download the EurLex corpus too? | 3 (2,160) |
 | Best CAT for DITA? | 1 (1,461) |
 | Replace multiple CP-1252 characters with CP-1251 characters in one go | 7 (2,652) |
 | Translating HTML files ( 1... 2) | 16 (7,258) |
 | What is XLIFF good for? | 4 (3,965) |
 | Which CAT tools do provide special features for proofreading/reviewing? | 6 (2,386) |
 | OPUS: How to use Gigabytes TMX files with CAT tools? | 8 (3,331) |
 | MXLIFF word count, including repetitions—alternatives to MemSource? | 7 (2,758) |
 | CAT Tools recommendations for English-Ukrainian | 3 (1,867) |
 | Is there a functional alternative to Translation Workspace XLIFF Editor!? | 4 (2,750) |
 | Translation Alignment ( 1... 2) | 23 (9,180) |
 | MemoQ Blue "information" rectangle keeps appearing on curser | 2 (1,775) |
 | MemoQ, server based project, tracking changes. | 1 (1,271) |
 | Auto-complete in Smartling: How to use it? | 5 (2,368) |
 | Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V doesn't work in Translation workspace | 7 (4,716) |
 | Verifka vs XBench | 0 (1,432) |
 | Best Proof-reading QA Tools | 1 (1,600) |
 | False Positives in Verifika | 1 (1,587) |
 | Any alternative to "T-Window for Clipboard"? | 6 (2,721) |
 | HTML tags in a Word document - how to handle them in Trados? | 2 (1,704) |
 | Anyway I can change the order of suggested words in auto-predit for MemoQ? | 0 (1,187) |
 | Idiom WorldServer Desktop Workbench downloads dotnet to install while it is already installed ( 1... 2) | 16 (20,546) |
 | Idiom installation issue | 2 (1,981) |
 | Looking for free XLIFF editor with F/R and source editing | 5 (2,968) |
 | Can the quality check configuration be tailored to suit Indian languages? | 3 (1,852) |
 | Open Source CAT tool with adaptive learning | 2 (1,855) |
 | TWS Xliff editor shortcuts without number keypad | 10 (10,446) |
 | Good transcription software that creates .docx files | 2 (2,013) |
 | A Tool to Translate Images ( 1... 2) | 24 (14,952) |
 | Using Sketch to create a term base | 3 (2,461) |
 | Numbers separator formatting in large batches (segments) | 2 (2,065) |
 | Software that lets you join TUs at a given character? | 9 (3,861) |
 | CAT with filter for segs with spelling errors. Is there any? | 10 (4,285) |
 | Regexes for monetary conversions ES > EN - who? | 0 (1,511) |
 | A CAT that can automatically convert TSV/Excel with HTML-type image links into ILLUSTRATED TERMBASE? | 4 (2,762) |
 | CAT tool compatible with idml and pdf that could be used as a proofreading tool for English | 8 (5,697) |
 | Most keyboard-friendly CAT tool? | 7 (3,731) |
 | CAT Tool with Webiste Integration | 2 (2,318) |
 | Terminology management tool | 3 (2,918) |