Browniz points have not been deducted
Շարքի հրապարակողը: Linda Young (X)
Linda Young (X)
Linda Young (X)
Local time: 17:00
ֆրանսերենից անգլերեն
+ ...
May 29, 2002

Apologies for being a pain, but recently I bidded on 2 jobs, with my browniz points and as such they should have been deleted. But to date they are still the same. I just thought I would let you know as it could be a temporary problem.



nickname (La Vache Folle)

CHENOUMI (X)  Identity Verified
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+ ...
I got similar problems! May 30, 2002

That\'s my third posting on this forum regarding a serious problem that I have been confronted with the past 6 days:

My BrowniZ and KudoZ points are stuck at the same level they were by this time last week.

I have earned since then a dozen of KudoZ and hundreds of BrowniZ points, which are NOT reflected on my personal page.

PLEASE HELP. No one seems to have adequately solved my case. And Yes, I\'m worried...

Thank you.

Francesco D'Alessandro
Francesco D'Alessandro
Local time: 16:00
անգլերենից իտալերեն
+ ...
Kudoz points May 30, 2002

I\'d like to report that, at least as regards me personally, there has been no change in kudoz points since May 24 (today is May 30), even though I know that have earned a few since that day.

Olga Simon
Olga Simon  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:00
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+ ...
Same problem here May 30, 2002

Over the last few days I reported this problem minimum twice via Support requests.

Nothing seems to be happening, though...

Local time: 17:00
աֆրիկանսից իսպաներեն
+ ...
Same problem May 30, 2002

...and there is no answer from the Technical Support...Is there anybody there?

Steffen Walter
Steffen Walter  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:00
Անդամ (2002)
անգլերենից գերմաներեն
+ ...
KudoZ problem is IMO restricted... May 30, 2002

to your personal record in the top left corner of the main site. Once you click on the number of KudoZ, your detailed view of points received as per fields of expertise will appear, which seems to show updated point levels.

Just try and let me know whether I am right with my assumption.

Btw, the underlying problem with the backlog of KudoZ on the main page should of course be resolved in any case.



Jack Doughty
Jack Doughty  Identity Verified
Մեծ Բրիտանիա
Local time: 16:00
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Ի հիշատակ
Me too. May 30, 2002

Same here. The problem of notifying new questions by email has now been sorted out but these other problems remain.

Gayle Wallimann
Gayle Wallimann  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:00
Անդամ (2004)
ֆրանսերենից անգլերեն
+ ...
Same problem May 30, 2002

I have also reported the problem on support request and in the \"bugs\" forum. I think that everyone is having the same problem, no points added for questions selected, and apparantly the browniz aren\'t working either. I trust that Henry and his team are working on it...

Ralf Lemster
Ralf Lemster  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:00
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Look two threads below... May 30, 2002 the same forum:

Henry and Jason are working on it.


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Browniz points have not been deducted

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