| Նյութը | Հրապարակողը Պատասխանները (Դիտակերպեր) Ամենավերջին ուղերձը |
 | Get rid of unneeed tags with Translator Tools | 3 (2,330) |
 | Can we speak and compare the features of the Cat Tools instead of the Cat Tools themselves ( 1... 2) | 18 (8,428) |
 | How to merge old and new versions of tab-delimited glossary | 9 (3,833) |
 | What is a good alignment editor | 5 (4,426) |
 | What are cross-file repetitions? | 9 (13,302) |
 | Xbench does not connect to Internet | 1 (1,777) |
 | Xbench problem with old segments | 2 (1,869) |
 | WinTrans | 6 (3,980) |
 | Translation Workspace XLIFF Editor client update failure | 2 (4,378) |
 | Choosing a CAT tool for translating PDF's and Word documents ( 1... 2) | 16 (10,378) |
 | looking for a CAT tool compatible with Mac | 10 (6,252) |
 | What is the best CAT software? ( 1, 2... 3) | 37 (15,171) |
 | How to convert text into locked tags | 0 (2,026) |
 | LF Aligner on Mac: editing alignment in Excel not reflected in TMX ( 1... 2) | 15 (7,162) |
 | Microsoft LEAF | 2 (8,469) |
 | Trouble with xBench 3.0 | 5 (3,860) |
 | TMX fixer ( 1... 2) | 24 (17,167) |
 | Translation software for Microsoft Word? ( 1... 2) | 29 (11,057) |
 | Which CAT tool takes up the least RAM? | 3 (2,161) |
 | creative translation with CAT tool? ( 1... 2) | 22 (10,389) |
 | Translating Wordpress and Woocommerce files | 0 (1,685) |
 | RTF bilingual files with Studio 2011 | 0 (1,183) |
 | Does "Finish task" in XTM mark all segments as translated? | 0 (1,611) |
 | XTM - how to copy tags to the clipboard | 2 (2,670) |
 | CAT tool for Tamil translations | 2 (2,689) |
 | How to translate the labels (images) in embedded graphic images in a word (docx) file? | 2 (2,494) |
 | Regular expressions and replacing strings of text | 2 (2,332) |
 | Which CAT tool is the best? ( 1... 2) | 18 (31,777) |
 | Worldserver 9 inquiries | 3 (2,265) |
 | How to run the spellchecker in Idiom Worldserver | 4 (6,688) |
 | Need online medical dictionary Swe --> Eng | 4 (6,644) |
 | CAT tools for MAC OS X Leopard ( 1, 2, 3... 4) | 45 (57,330) |
 | Problem with LF Aligner | 3 (3,470) |
 | Where do I find glossary creation function on XTM? | 0 (1,423) |
 | CAT within Word | 6 (4,045) |
 | Translation without CAT tools ( 1... 2) | 18 (8,437) |
 | How do you use technology to boost your productivity? | 8 (4,132) |
 | How to change the file icon back to TMX? | 1 (1,501) |
 | SDLX files elsewhere | 4 (2,482) |
 | Cannot install LocStudio on Vista: error .NET Framework 2.0 or later must be installed first | 8 (8,453) |
 | Regarding cat tools ( 1... 2) | 29 (11,784) |
 | ‘Unbreaker’ (new tool in TransTools to remove spurious line endings from OCRd/converted text)! | 8 (4,281) |
 | How to add comments in an Xbench report | 2 (3,020) |
 | Translation WorldCup contest + MateCat private beta | 0 (1,507) |
 | SDL Trados FREE virtual event in English + Spanish | 0 (1,232) |
 | operating CAT tools | 2 (1,965) |
 | Affordable CAT tool to improve productivity | 12 (4,794) |
 | Word count in memoQ produces 377 words less than word count in CafeTran!!! ( 1... 2) | 24 (10,498) |
 | CAT System choice, can you help? | 5 (2,996) |
 | xBench - does not show russian characters | 3 (3,508) |