The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

իտալերենից գերմաներեն Հոգեբանություն Translation Glossary

իտալերեն term գերմաներեն translation
ansia libera e somatizzata unbestimmte und somatisierte Angst
Capacità di integrazione delle competenze Fähigkeit zur Kompetenzintegration
Entered by: Beate Simeone-Beelitz
difficoltà attentive Aufmerksamkeitsstörungen / Aufmerksamkeitsprobleme
Entered by: Beate Simeone-Beelitz
impatto Konfrontation
linguaggio Sprachverwendung
Entered by: Beate Simeone-Beelitz
modulare il proprio comportamento Verhaltensmodulation
Entered by: Beate Simeone-Beelitz
organizzare strategicamente la memoria strategisches Organisieren des Gedächtnisses
Entered by: Beate Simeone-Beelitz
prassia Praxie
Entered by: Peter Eckschmidt MD
scariche neurovegetative Neurovegetative Symptome
Entered by: Monica Cirinna
soggiogamento psicologico psychologische Unterwerfung
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