The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

իսպաներենից անգլերեն Անտառագիտություն / Փայտ / Փայտանյութ Translation Glossary

իսպաներեն term անգլերեն translation
huayo fruit
la inmediata superior constante next highest constant
Entered by: patinba
rodal (silvicultura) stand (forestry)
"puesto puerta" enclosed/private land
Entered by: Edward Tully
(árboles) con /sin gambas buttress roots
A partir de estas premisas Starting from this premise,
a ras del suelo to ground level
acciones técnicas sobre el recurso forestal que apunten resulting from technical mtechnical measures aiming at sustainable management of forest resources
acordonamiento (de restos vegetales) ridging (heaping plants to form ridges)
Entered by: Sheila Hardie
activadas como mayor coste del inmovilizado ... activated as higher cost of capital assets ...
actividades de difusión y cobertura helping bring the project to public awareness
agente recuperador de la capacidad productiva an important agent for the recovery of productive capacity...
agroforestaría agroforestry practice
agrosilvicultura agrosilviculture
albura sapwood
alfajías battens
Antipalanca leverage resistance
Entered by: patinba
Aprovechamiento de Uso del Suelo soil exploitation
arboles acanchados y/o explotados en canchas felled trees/grown in fields/plantations
Entered by: liz askew
aula de la naturaleza nature classroom
autocorrelación autocorrelation
Autorización del Aprovechamiento Forestal Persistente authorization for sustainable forest use/usage/exploitation
avanzan por un franja por el oeste continue to be found along a band to the west | occupy a band to the west
árboles con gambas trees with buttresses (buttress roots or huge ground roots)
árboles energéticos trees cultivated for energy purposes
blanca whitewood, deal
Bosque de frondosas broadleaf/broad-leaved forest | hardwood forest
Entered by: Simon Davies
bosque escerófilo sclerophyllous forest
Bosque secundario Secondary Woodland
Cabildo menor local authority
Entered by: EirTranslations
cachelas bonfires
calidad de estación [forest] site quality
capas de los diferentes servicios service layers
carballeiras stands of "carballo"/Quercus robur / oak stands / Quercus robur L. stands
carbón caspi charcoal of Toxicodendron striatum
carpintería industrial industrial carpenter's shop or joiner's shop
cartografía de focos de calor mapping hot spots
catálogo de montes public registry of forests/woodlands
cedazo para zarandas mesh for sieves
chicalá chicalá (Tababuia chrysanta)
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
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