The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

իսպաներենից անգլերեն Փիլիսոփայություն Translation Glossary

իսպաներեն term անգլերեն translation
ingeniería inicial (contemplated) when it was originally conceived / at the time of its conception
"El sentido cabe existencia del Dasein" (title of an academic journal article) Meaning and Existence of Dasein
Entered by: Marco Ramón
adyace is in line with / runs parallel to /underpins
algoritmización algorithmization
Entered by: Kate Major Patience
alimenta de su propio veneno feeds on its own poison
Entered by: patinba
alli` donde descanse la suela su figura de Progreso wherever the figure of Progress leaves its footprint
ambito privado private sphere
analéctica analectic
Entered by: Rowan Morrell
aporías aporias
aquella que pudiesen server de ‘modelo’ trying to choose a single 'model'
arrojar entail
asesorar is the core/origin of the second/gives rise to
ataraxia ataraxia / imperturbability
aura aura
autoinmunizante self-immunizing
avanza a remolque is pulled / dragged along
Entered by: Kate Major Patience
ética de situación situation ethics
“finalidad sin fin” \"purposive without purpose\"
“Los incautos no yerran (Los Nombres del Padre)”, “The unwary persons do not make mistakes (The Names of the Father)”,
babélico babelesque
brújula y norte compass and pole star / north star
caen collapse
caro (in this context) dear
catatronías catachronic
cientificista —y últimamente economicista— scientistic--and recently economistic--
como lo fuera en su momento ... in the way that .... did in successive ages
conceder gracias grant (royal) graces (and favours)
constancia de la naturleza humana [that] human nature is constant/fixed/immutable
constatacion de una ruptura verification or confirmation of a rupture
continencia containment / self-containment
correlato correlate
Darle a toro pasado a los vencidos la razón agree with the defeated when there’s nothing to lose
de la segunda naturaleza of second nature/of \"second nature\"
Decantar la materia purify matter / one\'s material self
deriva decline / decay / erosion
desacreditado (having become ) discredited
desalejador de-severant / de-distancing
desarmadero de Descartes Descartes's deconstruction
desde un punto exterior, consecuente o ya sea extravagante on exterior, consequent or even extravagant grounds
desgarramiento supremo supreme rupture
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