The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

թուրքերենից անգլերեն Իրավունք (ընդհանուր) Translation Glossary

թուրքերեն term անգլերեն translation
şüphelileri tahkikat evrakıyla birlikte MEVCUTLU OLARAK SEVKETMEK in custody
denetimli serbestlik tedbiri probation
isabeti iktiza eylemesine .. required to be inherited by..
SULH CEZA MAHKEMESI Criminal Court of Peace
Entered by: M van Heteren
'na dava açılması to bring an action against
(şirketin) içini boşaltmak drain the company\'s assets
(Değişik : 21/5/1997 - 4262/md) Amendment/ (Amendment: 21/5/1997 - Art. 4262)
Entered by: Aziz Kural
....esas alınarak hazırlanmış pursuant to/in accordance with
1.madde hükmü saklı kalmak üzere satılması halinde in case of sale reserving the 1st article
5237 Sayılı Türk Ceza Kanunun 142/1. maddesi Article 142/1 of the Turkish Penal Code No.5237
A.Ş. -> Anonim Şirket Inc. -> Incorporation
a.p.c (Ağır para cezası) heavy fine/penalty
A.S.B.İ.M. C.R.D.P.C.
ağır ceza mahkemesi High Criminal Court
açık full
açıköğretim önlisans programı associate program of open university
açıktan atama extramural appointment
Entered by: Zeki Güler
adi ortaklık anlaşması ordinary partnership agreement (contract)
adlî yargı adalet komisyonu judiciary committee of justice
adli emanet memurluğu Property and Evidence Unit/Section/Office
Adliye Teşkilat Kanunu Judiciary/Judicial Establishment Law
ahlak büro amirliği Police department of vice (and gambling)
Entered by: Bulent Taylan
ahzu kabz to collect and receive money
Akdi icra eden solemniser
Entered by: hfilik
aleyhlerine against them
Entered by: M van Heteren
alias K (=kod adlı)
amir hükümler governing rules
Entered by: Zeki Güler
ana bilim dalı division
ani kuruluş hükümleri dairesinde pursuant to the full subscription provisions
anlaşmalı boşanma consensual divorce
anlaşmalı kurum contracted shop, contracted store, contracted merchant
Arabuluculuk anlaşma tutanağı Minute of Mediation Agreement
Entered by: Zeki Güler
Arsa tahsis sözleşmesi land allocation contract
Arz ederim. Respectfully submitted
Entered by: Aziz Kural
asli kusurlu primary negligent party
Entered by: Aziz Kural
Asliye 4.Ticaret Mahkemesi Commercial Court of First Instance No. 4
Asliye hukuk hakimliği Tribunal Court/Civil Court of First Instance/Civil Court
asliye hukuk mahkemesi civil court of first instance
atılı suçu işledikleri as it is proven that the defendants committed the crime
Entered by: M van Heteren
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