Browse links of Համակարգիչներ՝ համակարգեր, ցանցեր glossaries
Discover or contribute links to translation glossaries about and Համակարգիչներ՝ համակարգեր, ցանցեր terms.
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Inhalt Glossar Datenrettung
FH Datenservice |
Umfangreiches, einsprachiges Glossar zur Datenrettung
Humboldt Universität Berlin |
Wem Begriffe unbekannt sind, der findet hier vielleicht die Erklärung, die er sucht. Wer Erweiterungs- oder Korrekturvorschläge hat, kann diese (wenn möglich gleich mit Erläuterung als e-mail an Pascal Müller-Gugenberger schicken. Wenn der Eintrag hier nicht zu finden ist, hilft vielleicht das Online-Dictionary of Computing weiter.
Suchmaschinenoptimierung Glossar | http://www.suchmaschinen-optimierun...
Suchmaschinenoptimierung & Ranking Glossar
Umfangreiches SAP-Glossar
Die folgende Stichwortsammlung geht quer durch alle Bereiche des Datenfunks. Bitte beachten Sie, dass für die nachfolgenden Definitionen wie auch für alle anderen Informationen auf Dafu keine Gewähr übernommen werden kann, auch wenn sie nach beste Wissen erstellt wurden.
Einsprachiges Glossar über suchmaschinenspezifische Terminologie.
Glossary of Information and Technology Terms in Indonesian
Pusat Bahasa (Indonesian Language Center) |
A list of computer and IT terms in English to Indonesian. However, since the whole glossary is on the same document, it can be used in both directions through the 'Find' (Ctrl+F in most browsers) function.
Neue Begriffe und Akronyme überfluten uns und machen selbst erfahrenen IT-Fachleuten das Leben schwer. An dieser Stelle pflegt IT Research ein Glossar, das ständig um neue Fachbegriffe aus den Glossaren unserer Studien erweitert wird.
Unter jeder Definition finden Sie einen Link zu der Studie, aus der die Beschreibung stammt.
... View more
Glossary of Acronyms of TCP/IP protocols
A.B.Forouzan, McGraw-Hill Companies copyright |
Glossario di acronimi con terminologia inglese/italiano e definizioni in italiano estratto dal volume "I protocolli TCP/IP" di B.A. Forouzan, professore presso il De Anza College, California. Glossary of acronyms with English/Italian terminology and Italian definitions, as found in the Italian edition of the manual "The TCP/IP protocols" by B.A... View more
Networking security and encryption
B. Forouzan, The McGrawHill Companies copyright |
Vasto glossario con terminologia inglese/italiano e definizioni in italiano estratto dal volume "I protocolli IPC/IP" di B.A. Forouzan, professore presso il De Anza College, California. Extensive glossary with English/Italian terminology and Italian definitions, as found in the Italian edition of the manual "The IPC/IP protocols" by B.A. Forouz... View more
FOLDOC is a searchable dictionary of acronyms, jargon, programming languages, tools, architecture, operating systems, networking, theory, conventions, standards, mathematics, telecoms, electronics, institutions, companies, projects, products, history, in fact anything to do with computing.
The dictionary has been growing since 1985 under the... View more
Technical Terms and Phrases
Jakob & Francine Vlietstra |
This dictionary consists of a collection of English and Dutch terms used in Computer Aided Technologies such as CAD, CAM, CAE, as well as Logistics and Information Technology in general. The author's work on composing the sections of a "Dutch Lexicon on Information Technology" and consisting of Industrial Automation, Artificial Intelligence, Comput... View more
Ce glossaire vous permettra de découvrir la définition des termes les plus couramment rencontrés dans l'univers du magazine MESURES.
Internetowy leksykon geomatyczny
Polskie Towarzystwo Informacji Przestrzennej |
ZIP archive containing over 9,000 English terms plus the translations of the terms for up to 45 different languages - available for download. Plus links to other useful references.
İnternet ve bilgisayar üzerine açık kaynak tarzı sözlük. Terim karşılıklarından çok açıklama ve tanımlamalara yer verilmiş. İnternet ve bilgisayar kısaltmaları ağırlıkta.
Glossaire nouvelle technologie
Gli utenti che navigano su Internet sono potenziali clienti, molto esigenti dal punto di vista informativo, viziati da tutte le possibilita' che, grazie a questo potentissimo strumento, hanno a disposizione. Questo glossario servira' per fare maggiore chiarezza sui termini che vengono normanlente utilizzati in internet.
Comprehensive glossary of networking, telecom and computer-related terms.
Extensive glossary of SSL (secure sockets layer) encryption and security terms.
Glossário Internet
NET DS Informática |
Aqui você encontrará os termos técnicos mais comuns encontrados na literatura sobre Internet.
Vocabulario informática
Justo Fernández López |
Glosario inglés-español de términos de Manufactura Integrada por Computadora (CIM)
Universidad de Buenos Aires |
Glosario de autor anónimo propuesto por la Cátedra de Manufactura Integrada por Computadora, de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, a cargo del M. Ing. Jorge Ierache. Formato PDF.
Terminologie des termes informatiques généraux et de Mac particuliérement.
Breton (Brezhoneg) language internet terms
TermBret; |
"100 words for the Internet". Computer, software and Internet terminology. Translation between Breton, English and French.
Computer Glossary.
Arabic Glossary Search
Expertwell Systems |
English to Indonesian computer and IT glossary
Searchable dictionary of 5000 computer terms and 8600 engineering terms.
Tłumaczenie i opis słownictwa związanego z tworzeniem i utrzymaniem sieci lokalnych.
Kleines Wörterbuch zur Mediensprache - Hannover |
Dieses Wörterbuch informiert über die wichtigsten Begriffe der Website-Themen, hier insbesondere zu Wörtern aus der Computer- und Internet-Welt.
Glossaire informatique
Roland Trique, Jargonf |
glossaire des termes informatiques
Çok kapsamlı, genel olarak tutarlı bir sözlük; MS terminolojisine bağlı kalınması gereken çevirilerde güvenilir görünüyor.
Glosario de términos de CATV en español con definiciones.
In questa sezione si può trovare una selezione delle spiegazioni dei più comuni termini tecnici e delle più comuni tecnologie. Il sito indica che in attesa della prossima pubblicazione di un sistema di ricerca automatica delle voci del Glossario, si deve consultare le voci contenute nel file PDF scaricabile (66 PAGINE) cliccando sulla voce riporta... View more
Labour Law, Accidents Law, Bankruptcy Law, Business Law, Criminal Law, Family Law, Real Estate law, Tax Law; Medical; Computer; Science; Encyclopedia
Telecom Glossary Page
Indreias Ioan |
More than 2000 Telecom abreviations maintained by Ioan (Nini) Indreias