Translation Glossaries from the Web
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1-20 of 20 results
Construction glossary EN-HU
Félegyházi András magyar-angol fordító és tolmács |
useful glossary of English-Hungarian construction and technical terms
Textiles glossary
Montreal Centre for Contemporary Textiles |
Detailed EN>FR translations of textile/clothing terms, but does not seem to work in reverse
O Glossarium é um dicionário técnico inglês-português idealizado pelo tradutor Raphael P. Corrêa; seu foco principal são traduções técnicas, mas a ideia é que termos "comuns" sejam incluídos com o tempo. Glossarium is an english-portuguese technical dictionary designed by the Brazilian translator Raphael P Corrêa; tt focuses mainly on technical ... View more
dizionari online / online dictionary |
Un dizionario online a prima vista davvero completo. Lo ha realizzato Google e lo ha messo in linea senza avvertire nessuno, come ormai fanno d’abitudine quelli dell’azienda di Mountain View. Tanto, qualcuno, prima o poi, lo nota (o forse, qualcuno dalla grande G, lo rivela informalmente). In questo caso, e’ stato il Los Angeles Times a scoprire la... View more
Glosario de "Atributos Urbanos"
Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo |
Glosario con entradas enciclopédicas sobre términos relacionados con el urbanismo
Glossário de erros mais frequentes na lingua Portuguesa
Ministerio da Educação, Instituto Camões (IC), et al. [] |
Glossary of frequent mistakes in Portuguese
Glossário de erros mais frequentes na lingua Portuguesa
Faz parte do Portal Ciberdúvidas da Língua Portuguesa
Glossario previdenziale italiano - inglese
INPS - a cura di Assunta e Cecilia Ruscitto |
a tempo determinato temporary accordo bilaterale bilateral agreement accordo internazionale di sicurezza sociale international agreement of social security
Iniziamo la pubblicazione di una serie di termini significativi (di materiali, sistemi o tecniche) in uso nel campo delle costruzioni e del restauro. Detti termini sono tratti dai tanti del "Dizionario tecnico dell'Architetto e dell'Ingegnere civile ed agronomo" edito nel 1883 dall'allora Collegio degli Architetti ed Ingegneri di Firenze. Ritenia... View more
Glossaire intéressant et très varié en secteurs (scientifique, flore, faune, médecine, ...) Termes et définitions en français.
Wine Dictionary
Vintage Direct (Originally compiled by - T.A. Layton) |
The 'Wine Dictionary' was reproduced from "Winecraft - The Encyclopaedia of Wines & Spirits" which was originally compiled by - T.A. Layton. The book dates back to the turn of last century and although some information is obsolete, the work nevertheless contains many curious entries which are no longer included in contemporary reference works.
Auto Glossary |
With over 10,000 acronyms, abbreviations, definitions, and classic and contemporary terms and jargon from all areas of the automobile from basic do-it-yourself (DIY) car and engine repair to steering, suspension, brakes, transmissions and differentials, including air-conditioning, engine performance diagnosis, tune up, drive-ability, and emissions.... View more
GLOSSAR Schnee und Lawinen / GLOSSAIRE neige et avalanches / GLOSSARIO Neve e valanghe / GLOSSARY snow and avalanches
Arbeitsgruppe der Europ�ischen Lawinenwarndienste/Groupe de travail Services de pr�vision d'avalanches Europ�ens/Gruppo di lavoro Servizi di Avvertimento del Pericolo di Valanghe Europei/Working group European Avalanche Forecasting Services |
GLOSSAR Schnee und Lawinen
GLOSSAIRE neige et avalanches
GLOSSARIO Neve e valanghe
GLOSSARY snow and avalanches
Comprehensive dictionary of musical terms and names from many languages.
Includes musical terms entered from various languages - mostly European; all explanations are in English. Enriched with notations and charts, apart from etymological and historical background of the terms used.
"dolmetsch online"
The Dolmetsch family has dev... View more
Material Culture of Religion Glossary
The Polis Center |
A list of terms and definitions useful in describing religious spaces, temporal or spiritual with a glossary of key religious terminology, religious symbols etc. adapted from a variety of sources. Prepared by the Project on Religion and Urban Culture at The Polis Center, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis. 1. The First Section in... View more
Dizionario di gnomonica
Nicola Severino |
I termini sono esplicati in ordine alfabetico. Non sono riportate le lettere H e U per mancanza di termini con queste iniziali Dove indicato R. F. leggasi Riferimento Figura n°---- del Libro Primo
English only but big. Also acronyms. "With over 10,000 acronyms, abbreviations, definitions, and classic and contemporary terms and jargon from all areas of the automobile from engine repair to steering, suspension, breaks[I guess they mean brakes..], transmissions and differential's, including air-conditioning, engine performance diagnosis, tun... View more
manufacturer of container-accomodations
CAMEO Conservation and Art Material Encyclopedia Online
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston |
CAMEO is a searchable encyclopedia developed at the Conservation and Collections Management Department at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. CAMEO contains chemical, physical, visual, and analytical information on over 10,000 historic and contemporary materials used in the conservation, preservation, and production of artistic, architectural, and arc... View more
Motorcyle Terms Glossary
Horizons Unlimited - site for motorcyclists |
This page contains a note that it (the page) is only temporary. Glossary is downloadable as an Excel spreadsheet. In addition to translations, includes brief descriptions on how parts work.
Principais personagens, eventos, conceitos e instituições da História Política Contemporânea Brasileira