SDL Trados Virtual event: Learn, discover & train with SDL experts Jun 20, 2012 Search registrants See also: Translation company directory | Freelance translator users -- in Ռուսաստանի Դաշնություն -- registered for the event (68) |
Checked in | Tatiana Nikitina Experienced Life Science Translator Ռուսաստանի Դաշնություն Native in ռուսերեն Freelancer | Bio: My specialization: translation of medical documents (including pharmaceutical and pharmacological documents (e.g., CTDs) and clinical research reports), patents and patent applications related to pharmaceutics and biotechnology from English into Russian.
I have a sci...entific background (my specialization is biochemistry and molecular biology). I graduated from St Petersburg State University (Russia) with an MSc degree in biochemistry and molecular biology in 1999, and gained a PhD degree in biochemistry at the same University in 2004; passed State Exam on the English Language in the field of Life Sciences (Excellent) in 1999.More Less |
| Checked in | | Murmansk State Pedagogical University, MA-Murmansk State Pedagogical Institute, IAPTI, 24 years of experience |
| Checked in | Gennady Lapardin Excellent Linguistic Quality Ռուսաստանի Դաշնություն Native in ռուսերեն (Variant: Standard-Russia) Freelancer | Message: Hello!
| Checked in | tkropinova Ռուսաստանի Դաշնություն Native in ռուսերեն Freelancer | MA-Tavrichesky National University V.I. Vernadsky, Simferopol, 23 years of experience |
| Checked in | one_world Ռուսաստանի Դաշնություն Native in ռուսերեն Freelancer | 24 years of experience |
| Checked in | | Bio: Interpreter at Petrochemical Industry for 12 years. |
| Checked in | | the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, 20 years of experience |
| Checked in | | Message: Hello to everyone! Wish you every success |
| Checked in | | Bio: English-Russian translator |
| Checked in | Anna Veeber Ռուսաստանի Դաշնություն Native in ռուսերեն , էստոներեն Freelancer | 15 years of experience |
| Checked in | | BA-MSTU named N. E. Bauman, 18 years of experience |
| Checked in | | OTHER-Specialist Diploma, 14 years of experience |
| Checked in | | Bio: I am a freelance English-to-Russian motivational content supplier penchant to support quality-conscious clients' technology marketing global outreach with the relevant degree of localization treatment. With focus on enterprise IT ecosystems, industrial graphics and orga...nizational development, my specialties include NetApp storage, cloud implementations, shared multi-tenancy, IT security, CSIRT development, OWASP, and PCI DSS.More Less |
| Checked in | | Russian Federation: RSUH , GD-Russian State University for Humanities, Institute of Linguistics, 25 years of experience |
| Checked in | | |
| Checked in | | Lomonosov Moscow State University, 18 years of experience |
| Checked in | Daria Atamas EN>RU translator Ռուսաստանի Դաշնություն Native in ռուսերեն (Variant: Standard-Russia) Freelancer | Message: Hello everyone! |
| Checked in | | Message: Hello! |
| Checked in | Oleg Osipov The value of the right word Ռուսաստանի Դաշնություն Native in ռուսերեն (Variant: Moscow) Freelancer | Bio: Over 25+ of my career as a translator and interpreter I have accomplished innumerable projects nationally and internationally. With solid professional background from a renown Russian university in Niznhy Novgorod I started my career as a translator of Portuguese to Rus...sian overseas, focusing on technical and educational projects in Africa. Deep knowledge of cultural diversity in Africa, Europe and the US enabled me to successfully provide translation and interpreting services for direct clients and translation agencies, including such international organizations as the UN.
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| Checked in | | Russian Federation: ASPU, 17 years of experience |
| Checked in | | 15 years of experience |
| Checked in | Olga Vlasova Ռուսաստանի Դաշնություն Native in ռուսերեն Freelancer | 19 years of experience |
| Checked in | | 21 years of experience |
| Checked in | Viсtoria Levitskaya English to Russian (Business, Legal, IT) Ռուսաստանի Դաշնություն Native in ռուսերեն Freelancer | BA-Павлодарский государственный университет им. С. Торайгырова, 20 years of experience |
| Checked in | Igor Oblachko My experience is your benefit Ռուսաստանի Դաշնություն Native in ռուսերեն Freelancer | Russian Federation: BSPU, PHD-Barnaul State Pedagogical University, 25 years of experience |
| Checked in | | Bio: English-Russian translator |
| Checked in | Vladimir Morozov Meticulous accuracy, deep delving Ռուսաստանի Դաշնություն Native in ռուսերեն (Variant: Standard-Russia) Freelancer | Nizhny Novgorod Linguistic University, MA-Nizhni Novgorod Linguistic University, Translation Dept., UTR, 51 years of experience |
| | | Alexander Delaver also an engineer Ռուսաստանի Դաշնություն Native in ռուսերեն Freelancer | Bio: Translator Message: hi |
| | Sasha Surodeeva Bright and accurate Russian translations Ռուսաստանի Դաշնություն Native in ռուսերեն Freelancer | PALACKÝ UNIVERSITY IN OLOMOUC, MA-Czech Technical University, Prague, ATA, 18 years of experience |
| | | Oksana Morozova Translations from IT professional Ռուսաստանի Դաշնություն Native in ռուսերեն Freelancer | The Modern Academy for the Humanities, BA-Modern University for Humanties, 17 years of experience |
| | | Bio: English-Russian-English Technical Translator |
| | Alyona Sharapova Conference Interpreter RU-FR-EN Ռուսաստանի Դաշնություն Native in ռուսերեն Freelancer | Bio: With a 7-years experience in French to Russian and Russian to French translation, I always aspire to the self-development, that's why I try not to miss such meetings |
| | | | Rostov State Medical University (postgrad. course), BA-Rostov Institute of Foreign Languages, 22 years of experience |
| | blackpearl10 Ռուսաստանի Դաշնություն Native in ռուսերեն , ուկրաիներեն Freelancer | MA-Yuzhno-Sakhalisk state pedagogical institute,Russia, 20 years of experience |
| | Elena_S15 Native in ռուսերեն Freelancer and outsourcer | Ural State Pedagogical University, Ekaterinburg, GD-Ural State Pedagogical University, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 32 years of experience |
| | Vitaly Ashkinazi Freelancer Ռուսաստանի Դաշնություն Native in ռուսերեն Freelancer and outsourcer | Union of Translators of Russia, PHD-Ural State Technical University, UTR, 30 years of experience |
| | | MA-Voronezh State University, 17 years of experience |
| | Borisenko Ռուսաստանի Դաշնություն Native in ռուսերեն Freelancer | 14 years of experience |
| | NKut (X) Native in ռուսերեն Freelancer | GD-Lomonosov Moscow State University, World Politics Department , 16 years of experience |
| | | GD-South Ural State University, 16 years of experience |
| | Andrei Nechaev Accurate translation since 2004 Ռուսաստանի Դաշնություն Native in ռուսերեն Freelancer | 20 years of experience |
| | Nataly Chumak Multimedia translation and localization Native in ռուսերեն Freelancer | 17 years of experience |
| | Irina Romanova-Wasike Economics Degree,Localization experience Ռուսաստանի Դաշնություն Native in ռուսերեն Freelancer | OTHER-Kharkiv National University, 21 years of experience |
| | Sergei Glotov Over 20 years in oil & gas projects Native in ռուսերեն Freelancer | MA, 44 years of experience |
| | Sergei Tsarev Ռուսաստանի Դաշնություն Native in ռուսերեն (Variant: Standard-Russia) Freelancer | Message: Hi, there! good to meet you. |
| | | | GD-Irkutsk State Linguistic University, 13 years of experience |
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