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Translator Boot Camp

Oct 1, 2013


Freelance translator’s career development

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The ultimate purpose of the session is to outline the general structure of a successful freelancing career. It will help translators to set long-term goals and streamline the implementation process as well as warn them against typical errors in building their career as freelance translators.

Before a lengthy car trip, we do a lot of things: consult the weather forecast, fill in the window washer tank, and, primarily, plan the route choosing roads, taking note of places to avoid, booking hotels on the way... And it's merely a car trip. Delayed arrival is about the worst that can happen to us. It's but logical that, before starting as a freelancer, we should learn as much as possible about the road we'll be traveling along.

This session is intended for those who consider starting or have recently started their freelance careers. We'll discuss the typical stages of the career development focusing on general aims, goals and milestones characteristic for each stage as well as ways and methods of reaching these aims, goals and targets.

This session is part of the ProZ.com translator training series and was only available to live event attendees. To purchase access to this video please visit ProZ.com translator training.

Speakers:Oleg Rudavin
Translator since 1985, freelancer since 1995. ProZian since 2001, ProZ.com trainer, conference organizer and a regular conference attendee. Having been very successful on the freelance translation market, I'm willing to share my experience - and learn from yours! I'm the author of 'Internet Freelancing for Translators' (www.proz.com/books). Living in Kharkiv, Ukraine, with my wife and two daughters.

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