The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

անգլերեն Համակարգիչներ՝ համակարգեր, ցանցեր Translation Glossary

անգլերեն term անգլերեն translation
across the operating environment It refers to input-interface, output-interface, OS utilities provided, etc. This would be diverse in a multi-OS environment.
among the levels between the levels
Arrivals of Customers customer arrivals
Entered by: Lara Barnett
ascending in the level The level of each row is listed in ascending sort order
capacity of the free inventory free inventory capacity
Capitalization of remark yes it should be capitalized
close to box services services surrounding hardware
Entered by: ErichEko ⟹⭐
commodity-based server These servers host plain-vanilla, static pages, requiring minimal traffic.
connector-based technology This is the inbuilt method available with the pgmg language JAVA, to interact with diverse databases.
Deliverables contracted items
integrated comprehensive
intensities of arrivals of customers High flow-arrival (rate) of customers
Entered by: Lara Barnett
intranet intranet
Entered by: Claudia Alvis
it clicking the link causes the product information page to be uploaded automatically
mainframe central computer with many users
multiple concurrent workloads *representing* multiple lines of business and decision makers. multiple concurrent workloads being demanded by multiple lines of business and decision makers.
position a technology for reduced capital expenditure (meaning of sentence) Present a technology to potential customers as a value-for-money proposition.
potential for single copies of data in a SAN environment A SAN environment allows facility to maintain just one copy of data, and at the same time ensure its integrity.
rack elevation drawings elevation drawings of equipment racks
Rotate the hand crank fully clockwise. turn the hand crank clockwise until it stops (goes no further)
Site disaster the term site disaster would normally refer to the physical location
to mediate or gateway between (meaning of sentence) in the context, a third-software sits between two servers of different proprietary platforms, and acts as intermediary.
to process a volume product order to send a high-quantity production order
wasting time for off shift machine time on test LPARs In the context, the z/OS facility hithertofore available on test LPARs is now available on a zSeries Machine
Webmail & Website webmail & website
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