The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

իսպաներենից անգլերեն Ճարտարագիտություն՝ արդյունաբերական Translation Glossary

իսպաներեն term անգլերեն translation
FINAL DE CARRERA PUERTA ROTO door limiter broken
Flauta (cartón corrugado) Flute (corrugated carton box)
Flexibles de Compensación flexible connectors
Entered by: Robert Mavros
Flexion alternativa alternative flection/bending/flexure
flotador floatation tank
Foco Frío cold source
formato de pared flexible flexible wall
Entered by: Richard McDorman
forradora liner
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
Frio industrial industrial refrigeration
Fugómetro flowmeter / leak tester
Fundición y forja Casting and forging
gales gal
Entered by: Alison Warner
Garnetes centre punch
garras de los bastidores frame clamps
gas de nafta aliphatic naphtha
gas de venta commercial-grade gas
gato de nariz nose jack
Entered by: Elizabeth Novesky
generatríz generatrix
gestión de diseño Design Management
Entered by: David Jessop
gestión por procesos process management
golpe de puño mushroom push button
gorro francés bonnet (bonnet relief valve)
graduated to graduado o ajustado para
grava gravel surface
grillete clevis / shackle
Entered by: Fabricio Castillo
GRUPO DE CIERRE closing unit
guía guide wires/samples
Entered by: liz askew
gusanillo worm screw
hacer un flanco de automático switch automatic mode on/off
harinador flour duster
Hirth 1º o 5º 1 degree or 5 degrees Hirth
hoja de cierre closing sheet / report
hoja de seguimiento de calificación assessment follow-up sheet
HOLGURA/ROTURA PUNTERA loose/ broken header
hormigonera electrica (pastera) electric concrete mixer
horno de arco arc furnace
Entered by: liz askew
horno de solera galopante walking hearth furnace
hornos de viento wind-furnace
Entered by: patinba
horquillas final husillo screw end pins
hta automatic tool changer
Entered by: Catherine Harrison
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