The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

իսպաներենից անգլերեն Երկրաբանություն Translation Glossary

իսպաներեն term անգլերեն translation
catalina Catalina clay (soil) /Catalina silty clay
Catalizador en hidrogenacion catalyst in hydrogenation
Entered by: patinba
Catastro Minero Mining Registry
caudal específico esperado specific expected flows
Cálculo de campos de bombeo y de interferencias Field pumping and interference tests/calculations
Entered by: liz askew
cónica perdida lost cone
cedula schedule [80]
cejo scar (limestone cliff)
cemento ferruginoso poropelicular ferruginous/iron-rich cement with pores and films
Entered by: liz askew
ceniza volcánica retrabada reworked volcanic ash
Cenomaniano Tardío-Turoniano temprano Late Canomanian-Early Turonian
Entered by: Ma. Fernanda Blesa
cenote cenote
Cerros suaves de costra pulverulenta con afloramientos arcillosos; Gently sloping ridges with a powdery crust and clayey/argillaceous outcrop
cerros testigos outliers
Entered by: Hazel Whiteley
chañar Chilean Palo Verde
chalcopirita chalcopyrite
charnela fallada faulted hinge
Entered by: Edward Tully
cialitos Cialitos clay (soil)
ciclos climáticos de hielo-deshielo freeze-thaw climatic/weather cycles
cineritas cinerites
Clinopiroxeno clinopyroxene
Entered by: Madalena Ribeiro
cloritízados chloritized
cloritosos chloritic
Entered by: Silvia Brandon-Pérez
cobertera (sedimentary) cover
Entered by: Kate Major Patience
coherencia de la mezcla de suelo coherency of the soil mixture
colector general (de un río) general catchment
colgajos de caja host rock patches
Coloforme colloform
Entered by: liz askew
colpas boulders
Entered by: liz askew
columna del sondeo drill column
Entered by: Maria Elisa Manfrino
comportamiento acuífero aquifer capacity
comportamiento global homogeneo homogeneous overall performance
compositación compositing
compresion en camara triaxial compression in a triaxial chamber
con alteracion de vetillas de estocwor de oxido de manganeso affected by a stockwork of manganese oxide
con diseminados de pirita, arcenopirita y esfalerita with disseminated pyrite, arsenopyrite and spharelite
Entered by: liz askew
con fenos de plagioclase en matriz microgranular with plagioclase phenocryst in a microgranular matrix
Entered by: liz askew
con mucha preservación de planicies the plains have been preserved to a great extent
con orientación paralela facing the same way as...
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