The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

իսպաներենից անգլերեն Իրավունք (ընդհանուր) Translation Glossary

իսպաներեն term անգլերեն translation
\"personalidad patrimonial\" holding of the property
Entered by: Jonathan Norris
\"quien procede por su propio derecho, e identifico de lo que doy fe. \" \"who is representing herself, and whose identification I have verified.
\"repiaste\" raped
\"Secretario General Municipal del H Ayuntamiento de Coyuca Municipal Secretary General of the Hono(u)rable Coyuca City Council
\"y a las cuales remito en honor\" to which I refer in the interests of brevity\"
\\\"Vistos\\\", sin informes de las partes. Case reviewed for adjudication without closing statements from the parties.
Entered by: Miriam Vargas
______________, de generales conocidas en autos del expedientes al rubro indicado I, _____________, whose identifying information is on the record in the above styled cause
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