The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

իսպաներենից անգլերեն Գիտություն (ընդհանուր) Translation Glossary

իսպաներեն term անգլերեն translation
supranegocios suprabusiness
suspension directa de colonia direct suspension of the colony
técnica en placa plate recount technique
Technología de la prefabricación en Construcción Prefabrication technology in construction
Entered by: Gary Smith Lawson
tecnologia generada generated technology
tematización to make the main subject/ Theme selection
testigo (in this context) control
tests de múltiples recorridos LSD Multiple range tests LSD
tomble tumbler/glass
tR del pico retention time (tR) of the peak
tren de filtración filtration belt
Entered by: Maria Elena Martinez
ug/p.h and ug/ g p.h. μg/g WW > micrograms per gram wet weight
un porta slide
una célula a cell
Entered by: Rene Ron
unión pivotante swivel/flex joint
Unidades de cómputo de altas prestaciones high performance computing units
uso del alimentación food utilization
valorar (in this context) titrate
variables originarias original variables
vía de combustión combustion path
Entered by: Silvia Brandon-Pérez
Vicepresidencia Office of the Vice President (for Research)
vidrio aglomerado sintered glass
vientos máximos sostenidos y rachas superiores maximum sustained winds with higher/stronger gusts
visitas de motivacion assessment visits
VTA Venta
Entered by: liz askew
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