The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

թուրքերենից անգլերեն Իրավունք՝ պայմանագրեր Translation Glossary

թուրքերեն term անգլերեն translation
kabul, beyan ve taahhüt ederim. I hereby agree,declare and undertake that
Kadro / Derece - Kademe Position / Tier - Level
kadro karşılığı sözleşme contract on payroll-employment basis
kat karşılığı flat for land
katı teminat definite warranty
katılma payının hesaplanacağı yıl değerine getirilmesi suretiyle by adjusting to the value in the year that the contribution share is calculated
keşif cost estimate
kefilin kefaleti liability of guarantor
keyfiyet discretion
longstop date Uzatma tarihi
mahkeme ve icra daireleri courts and enforcement offices
maktu zarar ve ziyan liquidated damages
master services agreement Ana Hizmet Sözleşmesi
Mülkiyetin Gayri Ayni Hak Easement (Right)
müzekkere warrant
Muhatap counterpart
muhayyerdir is free to
of this tenor and date aynı içerikli ve aynı tarihli
plankote dimensional drawing
purchase release order satınalma sevk emri
Resen iktisap direct acquisition
resmi giderler official expenses
Entered by: Cagdas Karatas
Resmi Senet authenticated contract/deed
ruhsatı talep edilen müstahzarın Of the patent medicine for which license is requested
Entered by: M van Heteren
Sözleşmede kısaca ALICI olarak anılacaktır. hereinafter briefly referred to as "the BUYER"
Entered by: Yakup Sahin
sözleşmenin tapuya şerhi affix the contract to the title deed
Sicilden Terkin Vekaletnamesi power of attorney for deletion from the registry
Entered by: Yusuf Sahin
sipariş ihale rigged tender/tailored tender
Entered by: Selçuk Dilşen
tasarımlar neticesinde subsequent to designs
Entered by: M van Heteren
Tasdik Şerhi Örneği a copy of apostille
tekeffül warranty, surety
temlik etmek to assign
Entered by: ATIL KAYHAN
Ticaret Sicili Gazetesi turkish trade registry gazette
Entered by: M van Heteren
uygunluk taahhütnamesi declaration of conformity
vekalet akdi hükümleri attorney agreement provisions
vekil eden Principal
yapı aplikasyon projesi building application/implantation project
yürütmenin durdurulması grant a motion for stay of execution
yüzeysel veri basic data
yedekleme ihtiyacı backup requirement
Entered by: Gulay Baran
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