Browse links of Ծագումնաբանություն glossaries
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UK Genealogy, Common Acronyms and Jargon
Glossary about Indonesia |
Short glossary about the identity of the Indonesian nation
Terms commonly found in French Canadian geneological records, with some brief explanations or historical/cultural notes, and English equivalents listed.
ֆրանսերեն միջին (մթ.1400-1600 թթ.)
Latin-German/German-German dictionary of Latin genealogical terms encountered in old documents, incl. German equivalents,plus definitions of obsolete German terms
գերմաներեն միջին ուշ (մթ.1050-1500 թթ.)
Compilation of old(often obsolete)German professions encountered in genealogical documents, incl.English translations
glossario di araldica
a cura del Comune di Mantova |
piccolo ma utile glossario di termini ed espressioni tipiche dell'araldica
The Genealogist's Resource for Interpreting Causes of Death. Antiquus Morbus is a collection of archaic medical terms and their old and modern definitions. The primary focus of this web site is to help decipher the Causes of Death found on Mortality Lists, Certificates of Death and Church Death Records from the 19th century and earlier. The inten... View more