This event is part of 2011 site guidance virtual event Sep 27, 2011 Search registrants See also: Translation company directory | Freelance translator directoryResults (3,466) (Members shown first) |
Checked in | Karin Hladnik Slovenian to German - Legal translations Սլովենիա Native in գերմաներեն Freelancer | IHK, 18 years of experience |
| Checked in | Milena Sahakian Making words go further Ճապոնիա Native in բուլղարերեն Freelancer | Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria, MA-UNWE, NBU, IAPTI, 32 years of experience |
| Checked in | filippoc Italian to English, English to Italian Միացյալ Նահանգներ Native in իտալերեն , անգլերեն Freelancer | Bio: EN<>IT freelance translator, proofreader |
| Checked in | Amonterde Degree in Physics DiplTransIoL EN>SP Native in իսպաներեն Freelancer | Bio: After doing my degree in Physics at the University of Seville, I worked as a Science teacher in Spain for five years. Due to personal reasons, I had to move to England where I started to get involved in teaching Spanish and doing some work in translation. I got my in Translation as I thought that translation as a freelance would allow me to work around my family life.More Less Message: I hope that this forum will help everyone to improve their skills and learn from each other. |
| Checked in | msabeh Fast, accurate translations Իտալիա Native in անգլերեն Freelancer | ATA, 23 years of experience |
| Checked in | Claudia Acosta Technical Professional Translator Արգենտինա Native in իսպաներեն Freelancer | Bio: I am an English-Spanish translator with 5 years' translation experience. I graduated from the National University of La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. At present, I am studying the Proofreading and Copy Editing Career (Spanish) at Fundación Litterae. |
| Checked in | Craig Rome 何でも出来ます よろしくおねがいします。 Նոր Զելանդիա Native in անգլերեն Freelancer | Bio: Craig Rome
60 Winderemere Road
Christchurch 8053
New Zealand.
Phon...e 64 3-3525-135
64 21 1811 570
E mail [email protected]
Web :-
Skype:- craigrome
ProZ Profile :-
Brief Outline :-
I am a 56 years old Japanese Speaking Tour Guide based here in Christchurch where I operate a small inbound tour company through my web page specialising in sightseeing, outdoors and sports.
I have lived in Japan for 5 years teaching English as a Second Language and subsequently have worked as a guide contracted to the main Japanese Companies conducting day tours in and out of Christchurch and for the last 15 years have been running my own inbound travel company over the Summer months.
I have achieved Nihongo Nouryoku 2nd Level and have a good level of word processing in both English and Japanese.
During my off season from April till October I do translation and Japanese language recording work involved in assisting with editing and proof reading of web pages.
Since 2007 I have been working with Rocket Languages in creating their on line Japanese learning programme.
I am now enrolled in “Japanese Through Translation 2” at Christchurch Polytechnic.
My interests include a wide range of sports including fly fishing, golf, skiing, tennis, volley ball, table tennis, hiking and camping, organic gardening and cooking .
I am extremely fit physically, weigh 60 Kg and height 167 centimetres.
1997-2010 Self Employed CanNZ Tours
Set up web page in Japanese offering tours in the South Island for
Japanese clients.
Doing translation and editing work part time on the web.
Assisted Pugas with the creation of their online car website.
Importing 2nd hand cars into NZ from Japan.
Worked with Rocket Languages in creating a Japanese Language
Programme 2007.
1992 -1998 A2B Luxury Lines, Sheffield Crescent, Christchurch
Limousine service for Japanese Guests.
1988-1992 English Teacher, Kyoai Gakuen Girls High School, Maebashi ,Japan
*Teaching English Sole Charge for English Special Section –Eigoka-
*Speech Contest Coaching and Club Activity.
NHK Bunka Centre Maebashi 2 years Social English
Gunma Daigaku Radiation Specialists Assisting with Conference Speech Preparations.
Nihon Seiko Souja Machi Toriba Machi Plant
*General English for Employees Preparation for Work placement in England and USA plants.
1983-1988 Self Employed Bakery Coffee Shop Main North Road, Papanui, Christchurch
1981-1982 Food & Beverage Manager, White Heron Regency , Parnell, Auckland
1979-81 Duty Manager, Lakeland Inn, Queenstown. Hotel Management.
1977-79 Marvin Farms, Matamata. Dairy Farm Manager.
1954 スコットランドで生まれました。
1973 NZに農業留学
1974 世界中ヒッチハイク
1977 農業大学卒業後NZに永住
1977 NZの酪農牧場で従業
1979―82 ホテル管理の仕事
Food and Beverage Manager
White Heron Regency
1983―87 自営業喫茶店とパン屋。
Roundabout Coffee Shop
1988―93 群馬県共愛学園で英語の教師
1993― クライストチャーチに戻ってガイドの仕事
1997- 自営業観光会社創立 CanNZ Tours.
Papera Tradersウェブサイト
資格 Diploma in Farm Management
West of Scotland Agricultural College
日本語能力試験2級 1992
More Less Message: Kia ora from New Zealand.
Looking forward to learning more about translation and perhaps developing some new contacts.
| Checked in | Elena Efimenko Expert client-focused interpreting Native in ռուսերեն (Variants: Standard-Russia, Standard-Ukraine, Standard-Belarus) Freelancer | MA-Rostov State University, 30 years of experience |
| Checked in | Francesca Monno Affidabilitá e accuratezza Մեքսիկա Native in իտալերեն Freelancer | Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori, GD-Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori di Trieste, 20 years of experience |
| Checked in | Cinzia Pasqualino Cinzia Իտալիա Native in իտալերեն (Variant: Standard-Italy) Freelancer | Università degli Studi di Catania, BA-Foreign Languages and Literatures Faculty - University of Catania, 22 years of experience |
| Checked in | Gülnur Seyhanoğlu english, turkish, chemical engineering Թուրքիա Native in թուրքերեն Freelancer | 10 years of experience |
| Checked in | Ilona Brophy-Lehmann IT & Marketing, +20 years experience Գերմանիա Native in գերմաներեն (Variant: Germany) Freelancer | Bio: EN-DE IT and marketing translator. |
| Checked in | ConstanzaG Price and reliability Native in իսպաներեն Freelancer | Bio: University graduate EN>SP (LA) translator and interpreter with over 11 years of experience. I specialize in the medical field and I'm always pleased to accept new challenges. |
| Checked in | | MA-Jagiellonian University, 25 years of experience |
| Checked in | Tom Weber Sens exact, style fidèle Միացյալ Նահանգներ Native in անգլերեն (Variant: US) Freelancer | BA-Yale University, 27 years of experience |
| Checked in | Yuko Lee Մեծ Բրիտանիա Native in ճապոներեն Freelancer | University of Leeds, MA-Leeds University, ITI, ITI J-net (Japanese network), 19 years of experience |
| Checked in | | PHD-University of Isfahan, 20 years of experience |
| Checked in | Stephanie Busch All of my experience at your service Գերմանիա Native in գերմաներեն (Variant: Germany) Freelancer | Bio: Freelance EN/SV>DE translator |
| Checked in | | Russian Federation: RSUH , GD-Russian State University for Humanities, Institute of Linguistics, 26 years of experience |
| Checked in | Hemmam Ալժիր Native in արաբերեն Freelancer | Bio: Boutouga Mahmoud ,
- Graduated in Political sciences (Licence frensh language)
- Graduated in Islamic Sciences (Licence arabic language)
- Diploma in English language Level III (During 3 years at University)
- Tecnician in computing (Private school)
-Professional e...xperience : Human Resources
More Less Message: I wish a good success for all participants. |
| Checked in | Renata Niec-Brown legal interpreter/ translator Մեծ Բրիտանիա Native in լեհերեն Freelancer | English to Polish (Chartered Institute of Linguist, 21 years of experience |
| Checked in | | Bio: Over 10 year experience in translation and interpreting. Looking forward to establishing new contacts and interesting work offers. Message: Good morning dear colleagues. Happy International Translators Day to everyone!! |
| Checked in | Andreea Boldura Putting words where they belong Ռումինիա Native in ռումիներեն Freelancer | Bio: English and French into Romanian Qualified Translator, 7 years' experience in the field, MA and BA in Translation |
| Checked in | Deborah Kolosova Quality Russian to English translations Միացյալ Նահանգներ Native in անգլերեն Freelancer | American Translators Association, ATA, 17 years of experience |
| Checked in | | BDÜ, tekom, 15 years of experience |
| Checked in | | BA-University of Fortaleza, Unifor, 15 years of experience |
| Checked in | sandtas Precision and Good Service Իսրայել Native in հոլանդերեն , անգլերեն Freelancer | Bio: I am an experienced and bilingual translator/editor English & French to Dutch and Dutch to English. Personal attention and professional work guaranteed.
I also teach English, Dutch and French for non-native speakers and have over 18 years of experience.
1)Private ...lessons via Skype to improve language skills in English and Dutch.
2)Preparation for official Dutch Civic Integration Examination abroad:
More Less Message: Hi, I am Sanderijn and I am very happy meet other translators by participating in this series of virtual meetings! |
| Checked in | Luciana Barucca Versatility and professionalism Արգենտինա Native in իսպաներեն (Variants: Latin American, Standard-Spain) Freelancer | Colegio de Traductores de la Pcia. de Santa Fe 2da. Circunscripción, OTHER-Instituto de Educación Superior N.º 28 “Olga Cossettini”, 20 years of experience |
| Checked in | Cintia Allsup Faith and Design! Բրազիլիա Native in պորտուգալերեն (Variant: Brazilian) Freelancer | Brasillis, OTHER-Brasillis, 17 years of experience |
| Checked in | Kathryn Malan Precise, intuitive, on-time translations Նոր Զելանդիա Native in անգլերեն Freelancer | New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters, GD-University of Auckland, NZSTI, 14 years of experience |
| Checked in | Photius Meaning matters. Կանադա Native in անգլերեն Freelancer | Bio: Japanese-English technical documents translator with 15 years translation experience, as well as marketing, game development and web development experience. Message: Hello. My name is Shannon. _Hajimemashite. Watashi no name wa Shanon des_. |
| Checked in | Emily Marcuccilli (X) Flawless translations, expertly produced Մեծ Բրիտանիա Native in անգլերեն (Variant: British) Freelancer | Chartered Institute of Linguists, GD-Chartered Institute of Linguists, ITI, CIOL, 17 years of experience |
| Checked in | Vuk Vujosevic Over 20 years of full-time translating Չեռնոգորիա Native in սերբերեն Freelancer | University of Belgrade, MA-University of Belgrade, 42 years of experience |
| Checked in | Diana Arancibia professional translation and proofreadin Native in իսպաներեն Freelancer | Inst. Superior SKILLS, Zeballos 270.G.Alvear,Mza., Colegio de Traductores Públicos de la provincia de Mendoza, BA-Skills Institute of Superior Education, 23 years of experience |
| Checked in | Tanja Young Interpreter and Translator Native in սերբերեն Freelancer | Chartered Institute of Linguists, BA-University of Belgrade, Philology., Chartered Institute of Linguists, London, 15 years of experience |
| Checked in | Ana Terzaghi Specialized in scientific subjects Ուրուգվայ Native in իսպաներեն Freelancer | Message: Sorry I am late but I did not want to miss this. Hello to everybody |
| Checked in | maierservices True professionalism pays. Always. Գերմանիա Native in գերմաներեն , անգլերեն Freelancer | American Translators Association, German Courts, MA-German university, ATA, ITI, BDÜ, 37 years of experience |
| Checked in | Atefeh Jahedi Persian native translator since 2006 Իրան Native in պարսկերեն Freelancer | Bio: my name is atefeh, a 30 years old woman. i have been working in a translation office from 2008. i love translation and my job but as i have just married (last year) it is very hard for me to work out and so I have decided to work as a freelance translator Message: hi dears, i am so lucky to have such an opportunity to familiar with dear translators from all over the world. I wish we could learn as much as possible through these events |
| Checked in | | Society of Translators and Interpreters of British Columbia, MA-PolyTechnic University of Hong Kong, 19 years of experience |
| Checked in | Michel de Ruyter Strong focus on details & style Ֆինլանդիա Native in հոլանդերեն Freelancer | OTHER-Writing School Amsterdam, IAPTI, 16 years of experience |
| Checked in | Rita Damo Մեծ Բրիտանիա Native in իսպաներեն Freelancer | Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV), Universidad Central de Venezuela, BA-BA Hons in Modern Languages, postgraduate diploma in translation - Universidad Central de Venezuela, 33 years of experience |
| Checked in | Maria Grazia Franzini my word is my bond! Իտալիա Native in իտալերեն (Variants: Standard-Italy, Venetian) Freelancer | University of Verona, MA-Università di Verona, IATI, 19 years of experience |
| Checked in | Maria Victoria Tapia Salford University-University of Córdoba Արգենտինա Native in իսպաներեն (Variants: Argentine, Latin American) Freelancer | University of Salford, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Facultad de Lenguas), BA-UNC, CTPCBA, 20 years of experience |
| Checked in | Sonia Salvatierra Technical Translator / Electronic Eng. Իսպանիա Native in իսպաներեն (Variants: Venezuelan, Latin American, Mexican, Standard-Spain, Nicaraguan, Colombian) Freelancer | Bio: Translations on Electronics, Telecommunications, Engineering, Management and Planning.
Electronic Engineering, Magister Science on Industrial Engineering, mention on Management. Message: Greetings from Venezuela! I hope we can share interesting issues and learn from you. |
| Checked in | Tudorel Ilie Reliable and accurate translations. Ռումինիա Native in ռումիներեն Freelancer | Romanian Ministry of Culture - Central Commission for Granting Translator Certificates, Romanian Ministry of Justice, 23 years of experience |
| Checked in | Marisa Toscano 15 years of experience in translation Native in իսպաներեն Freelancer | OTHER-Instituto de Enseñanza Superior Olga Cossettini, 35 years of experience |
| Checked in | Marco Salsi Transport, Logistics, Legal, Marketing Ֆրանսիա Native in իտալերեն Freelancer | Freie Universität Berlin, Österreichisches Sprachdiplom Deutsch, MA-Universitá degli Studi di Genova - Traduzione Specializzata in Campo Giuridico, 15 years of experience |
| Checked in | | Bio: My name is Mohamed Elkhateeb, I'm freelance translator from Egypt. I have master's degree in biotechnology and I'm studying for Ph.D. from 2005 up to now.
I specialize in translating user manuals, technical and medical projects as well as general fields. Message: I'm glad to be with you in this great event. |
| Checked in | | Bio: Austrian nationality, bilingual Spanish (over 30 yrs. in Spain and other spanish-speaking countries). Certified for both native languages. Proficiency in English. Degree for Business/Commerce/Administration from Austrian Business School. Large working and translation ex...perience.More Less Message: Looking for contacts, networking, opportunities! And love to meet people all over the world being part of the same business! |
| Checked in | Thomas Cromwell Dedicated to facilitating communication Միացյալ Նահանգներ Native in անգլերեն Freelancer | Bio: I'm a translator/interpreter currently in my second year at the Monterey Institute of International Studies. I am especially interested in working in the medical and judicial fields, but I'm open to other possibilities. I recently discovered that I also enjoy project ma...nagement.More Less Message: Greetings to you! May you find what you are looking for! |
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