The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

անգլերեն Պոեզիա և գրականություն Translation Glossary

անգլերեն term անգլերեն translation
Even that she left lying she even left that (hair-tidy) lying where it was
every turn attends pays careful attention to every change of course (of the dolphin)
expanse of space Suggested improvements
extraordinary escape I am very lucky to have gotten away from him before something terrible happened to me.
falling out danger of falling out of the bed
fascalia scarf
Feelin\\\' a feeling of the spring in the air (spring is coming to the town)
felicitator facilitator
fell gently into their place they adopted (fell into) their roles and position in society
fictitious proper names names invented by the author
fiddle-de-dee What nonsense/what a waste of time/this isn't important/I'm wasting my time on this (expressing impatience/annoyance)
Fie on't, ah fie. A curse upon it!
Fifty up until a 50 point difference is reached
finding poignancy in the fall of leaves finding the falling of the leaves deeply emotional
fire a look gave a quick, direct, meaningful, intense look
first shaft first arrow: first brush with death
first [over] and then into his toes put the toes in its mouth and then bit into them
fitting them all (the women) into one semester managing to date or have an affair with all the women
flake city you\'re crazy/mad
flamingoes way of standing Tuck one leg up/Stand on one leg
flatting off clouds of thin spray sending off flat clouds of thin spray to either side of its peeling bow
Floss, rubber gloves, and a chewed cap to a pen his effects (possessions) are: (dental) floss, rubber gloves, a chewed pencap
Entered by: Yvonne Gallagher
flowing blood spilled blood (of hero)
flowing steadily from her knitting needles outside seemed to flow steadily from her knitting needles
flushed gradation of color due to being abruptly spilled from a bucket to a surface.
Entered by: Hassan Lotfy
foot it featly dance nimbly
for all the airth = for all the earth for all the world
Entered by: Tony M
for one while (literary Dickens) for a little while
For this one dear to her For this girl who was dear to her/whom she cared about/had affection for and..Mace is
forever forward ever onward
forever forward ever onward
framed teak the frame of the picture described was made of teak
frat-boy solidarity a pejorative term
freethought was unguessed. freethought never entered anyone's mind /was beyond consideration
French sense In the French way of doing things or thinking. In the French manner
from his Vietnam service or lack thereof having done his miltary service in Vietnam --- or from NOT having done it
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
from the height of my age 'From the perspective of my age (my years of experience)
from what I could tell expressing an educated guess
funny, you should be sitting on the stool then you are perfectly qualified to do my job
G.B.O. gross body odour
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