The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

իսպաներենից անգլերեն Գործարարություն / առևտուր (ընդհանուր) Translation Glossary

իսպաներեն term անգլերեն translation
Auditor Semi Senior junior auditor
auditoría de regularidad regular audit
auditoría de renovación renewal audit
auditoría de titulización securitization audit
Auditoría y Consultoría de Planes y Acciones en el Ámbito Internacional Consulting and Auditing of Plans and Actions in the International Arena
Auditorias de Proceso en proveedores Supplier Process Audits
aun por incumplimientos acaecidos durante la vigencia even in the event of non-compliance during the time of validity (of....)
auspicios sponsorship
autómata automaton
autónomos y de entidad particular independent and from any other particular entity (agency)
Entered by: Robert Mavros
Auto de No ha Lugar order denying the petition
auto exigencia self-demanding
Autoenrolamiento de crédito Self-enrollment loan
autoexigencia self-reliance
automatrícula self-enrollment
autonomía solidaria mutual autonomy
Autoponderado Self-weighted
autoridad adjudicataria contract-awarding authority
Autoriz.Retiro Authorized Withdrawal
autoriza la oferta o abre una investigación en profundidad will decide whether to authorise the offer or launch an in-depth investigation
autorización sellada stamped authorization
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
Autoservicio Experimentado self-directed client
Entered by: Nick Harding
Autoservicio oriental Asian market / Asian supermarket
autoservicios self-service shop/store
Autoventista Freelance/Independent sales person
Entered by: Edward Tully
auxiliar de manufactura manufacturing assistant
auxilio a salvamento rescue
Entered by: Hazel Whiteley
aval / garantía surety/ guarantee
avalado por su experiencia boosted by his experience
avalar a terceros (in a power of attorney) to answer for third parties
avalarse mutuamente act as mutual guarantors
avance de ésta que al momento de pago (phrase) since it is a substantial advance of Part 1, it must be accepted at the time of payment.
avance de los ingresos growth/increase
avance informativo (here) update
avenimineto judicial judicial settlement (or) in-court settlement
aviso de abono credit note
Aviso de Licitacion Notice of bid; notice of tender, or tender bid; call for bids
Entered by: Silvia Brandon-Pérez
Aviso de paso attempeted delivery notification/advisory note in the event of absence
Aviso de prórroga de plazos para agotar existencias Extension of inventory clearance deadline
aviso de responsable ...notice of person responsible...
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