The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

իսպաներենից անգլերեն Կրթություն / Մանկավարժություն Translation Glossary

իսպաներեն term անգլերեն translation
a nivel inspectorial throughout the Inspectorate / in the whole Inspectorate
Entered by: Karen Friedman
a partir de drawing on
A partir de asumir By acknowledging
a petición de parte upon request of the interested party
a quienes se les involucra en mayor cantidad who will have a greater degree of involvement
a través de la titulación through the graduation/commencement process
Entered by: Robert Carter
A.E. Historia del Hecho Religioso A.E. = Asignatura Específica = Specific Subject
A.E.C. Asignatura Electiva Complementaria > Complementary Elective Course
a.i. a.i. / interim / acting
A/C Asignatura/Curso
A/C Dirección Académica Registrar / Office of the Registrar
Entered by: Marcelo González
año aprobado completo Pass for one academic year/i.e. one full year of academic courses passed/full academic year passed
Entered by: liz askew
Año del Deber Ciudadano Civic Year / Civic Commitment Year / Civic Engagement / Encouraging Civic Commitment
Año nacional de la recuperación (Rep. Dominicana) National year of recovery
año o grado grade
Años 189 y 140 con esta fecha y bajo el N. 287 folio XXXX del protocolo único pr 189th Year of Independence and 140th of Federation (see rest below)..
aún no ha formalizado su inscripción has not yet officially enrolled / has not yet completed the enrollment process
abanderar presented the flag to/bestowed the honor of carrying the flag (on)
Entered by: Marcelo González
Abbreviation \"G.B.: Grado Básico
abbreviation \\\"T-E\\\" tipo de evaluación = type of evaluation
Entered by: wendy griswold
abordaje comunitario community engagement
Entered by: Marcelo González
abordaje por encima del renglón (her) writing from above the line
abordarse desde una reflexión sobre la propia práctica approached from a position of self-reflection of one’s own practices
AC accrediited/recognized
Entered by: Ryan Kelly
Ac. Aceditada (passed)
ac. mercadotecnia MAJOR in Marketing
acaban de conceder I've just been awarded/granted
Academia Mundial de Educación Worldwide Education Academy
academico de asignatura part-time teacher/professor
academico de número full member
accedió mediante la titulación de gained admission/was admitted in consideration of
Entered by: Marcelo González
accedio a esta ensenanza qualified for this degree
Acceso Doctor Admission to PhD degree
acción formativa training activity
acciones de personnel matters/actions/provisions regarding staff
aceituna, no menos de una olive is all you need
aceptada por paladares mouth watering // pleasing to the taste
acercar lo que están en capacidad... (bring) what they are capable (of offering) [...] closer to [...]
acercándose a las empresas approaching/developing relationships with employers
acompañamiento support / assistance
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