The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

իսպաներենից անգլերեն Ներդրում / արժեթղթեր Translation Glossary

իսպաներեն term անգլերեն translation
jornada bursátil (today's) the day's stock market activity/trading day/trading session
Llegado el caso en que efectivamente nos proporcione..... Should/In case you actually provide us with...
los cambios en el perímetro de consolidación changes to the scope of consolidation
manejo treatment
mixto conservador conservative mixed asset (fund)
Entered by: William Pairman
momento por técnico performs better in technical trend analyses
Entered by: patinba
movilización de derechos consolidados Change or transference
Mutuos activos y pasivos reciprocal asset and liability
netas ponderadas weighted average net of management fees
Nivel Neutral Neutral Level
no con una prima sino con un descuento not with a premium but rather with a premium discount
Entered by: Edward Tully
no todas comercializan marcas blancas del distribuidor not all of these sell (distributors') private/own-label brands
NOC Financiera NOC (Notification of Change)
Ocupa la direccion general adjunta holds the office of Deputy General Director
ON (obligaciones negociables) convertible/negotiable bonds
opción de sobreasignación de CPOs option of overweighting CPOs
Entered by: Marian Greenfield
operación de permutas barters/bartering/trading
operan bajo lineas trading/dealing/transacting under (the extension of) credit facilities
Entered by: Sarah Weston
orden de volumen oculto order for an undisclosed amount
Entered by: JH Trads
orden por lo mejor market order
Entered by: JH Trads
pagos de principal de deuda de agencia principal payments on agency debt
participantes de cobertura hedge traders
patrimonio de propósito exclusivo special-purpose asset (vehicles)
peligro de mora procesal cualificado justificativo de la adopción inaudita qualifying risk of procedural delay justifying the ex parte adoption
Entered by: Kathryn Litherland
planta regasificadora regasification plant
por acto entre vivos inter vivos gift of stock certificate
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
posicionados en bonos positioned in bonds
préstamo de socios shareholders loan/shareholders credit facility/partners loan
principal/cupon segregado principal issue/stripped coupon
provisiones contra resultados provisions for losses are appòrtioned
Que tu evolución, pasa por eliminar el factor emocional de tus decisiones de inv Your development includes eliminating the emotional component in invest- ...
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
quedar comprados closed out
rebalanceo rebalancing
recurso ordinario, de revocatoria y de apelación appeal as a right, motion for reconsideration of an interlocutory order and appeal
reembolso redemption
Entered by: Nick Harding
rendimiento del subyacente yield on the underlying
rendimientos returns, yields
renta financiera installment payments
reportante/reportado Buyer / Seller
resguardos acreditativos temporary certificates evidencing (one or several shares/participations)
Entered by: Catherine Harrison
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