The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

իսպաներենից անգլերեն Մաթեմատիկա և վիճակագրություն Translation Glossary

իսպաներեն term անգլերեն translation
raíz cuadrática residual residual square root
Entered by: Justin Peterson
radicación (Matemáticas) roots (square root etc.)
Radicando e índice radical Radicand and radical index
radio censal block group/ census block
Entered by: liz askew
rango medio mid-range
Entered by: Jefferson Azevedo
razón de decrecimiento decreasing ratio
razón inferior a la unidad ratio less than unity (one)
realiza series con dos o más variantes creates sequences with two or more variables
recategorización de variable variable reclassification/reclassification of variables
recinto, dominio y entorno enclosure, domain and environment
recintos (en Cálculo) domains
recocido simulado simulated annealing
recorrido de una relación range of a relation
recta de calibrado calibration curve
recta de regresión **inclinada con una tendencia lineal débil** sloped regression line with a slight linear tendency
recta dirigida directed straight line
rectas notables significant straight lines
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
redes de líneas de espera queuing network/queuing network system
redespachos (de energía) redispatch
Entered by: Silvia Brandon-Pérez
reducción a la unidad unitary method (of solution)
regla de tres rule of three
regla del siete rule of seven
Entered by: Hazel Whiteley
regresores regressors
relación de coincidencia (media ponderada) positive correlation (weighted average)
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
relación de orden (Lógica y Conjuntos) order ratio
relacionar (matemáticamente) [see my suggestions below]
Entered by: Robert Mavros
representatividad Representativity
residuo residual
resignificar re-define
Entered by: Edward Tully
resolución / solution solving (an equation)/solution (of an equation)
Entered by: David Russell
respecto a su media with regard to its mean
retardados lagged
ruta de campo fieldwork strategy
sale yields (the following)
Entered by: William Pairman
salto lógico logical jump
salvo media constante (estadistica)) excluding a constant mean (STATS)
saturando having factor loadings
saturar Load
Entered by: Justin Peterson
sòlido de intervalo interval solid
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