The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

դանիերենից անգլերեն Իրավունք՝ հարկեր, տուրքեր և մաքսեր Translation Glossary

դանիերեն term անգլերեն translation
afregningsbilag settlement documents
forskudt regnskabsår staggered fiscal year / financial year other than calendar year anførte sted
Entered by: Diarmuid Kennan
acontoskatter tax paid in advance
afgiftsberigtige settle/pay excise duties
afgiftsberigtigelse payment of excise duties, indirect taxes, VAT
afgiftsberigtiget alene af omkostningerne (clarification needed for this contect only the expenses are taxable - rephrase
afgiftsoplag tax warehouse
afgiftspligtig person taxable person
afkastskattepligt pension yield / (investment) income/ tax liability
aktieavancebeskatningsloven the Danish Capital Gains Tax Act
Entered by: Lise Leavitt
AM grundlag basis for labour market contribution
AM/SP bidrag labour market contribution/special pension savings
anholdelsespligtige myndigheder revenue stamp tax collection enforcement authorities
anpartsindgreb Shareholder Measure (Danish: "anpartsindgrebet")
Ansat skattepligtig sindkomst Estimated taxable income
Entered by: Rosica Dimitrova
arbejdsmarkedsbidrag "labour market contribution" [(tax for unemployment, retraining, etc.)]
§ 2 paragraph 2
Benyttelsesafgift User fee (eller user\'s fee)
blindes salg af sale of .... by blind persons
dækningsafgift pl. forskelsværdi Danish municipal reimbursement duty on public and business property land and buildings values
disposition transaction
dobbelthusførelse (BE) dual residence {relief}; (AE) double homestead {exemption/allowance}
efterlevelseshjælp survivor benefits
egenudvikling in-house development
ejendomsavancebeskatningsloven Danish Act on Taxation of Profit from Sale of Real Property
Entered by: Lise Leavitt
Emballeringsmaterialer packing material / packaging material
enhedsdokument single administrative document
er betinget af fortsat tilknytning is conditional upon continued affiliation
erhvervsdrivende trader; business owner, businessman, entrepreneur
erklæringsopgave uden sikkerhed unaudited annual report / auditor\'s / accountant\'s compilation report without assurance engagement
Entered by: David Rumsey
fagligt kontingent trade union fees/dues
Entered by: Charles Ek
flyttegods removal goods
folkekirkeligt tilhørsforhold Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark affiliation
Entered by: Pernille Kienle
forbrugsmedlemsland The Member State where the goods were consumed
formuetilgang/afgang net worth increase/decrease
forskyldt warrant
fortoldningsekspedition customs clearance
fraflytningsskat på aktier Tax on shares in connection with change of address/Tax on shares on transfer of tax residence
Fratrukne hensættelser provisions deducted
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