The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

դանիերենից անգլերեն Իրավունք՝ հարկեր, տուրքեր և մաքսեր Translation Glossary

դանիերեն term անգլերեն translation
restbidrag balance
sødage days at sea
selvskyldnerkautionserklæring Surety Statement
Skalaknæk break in the curve
Skattekontrolloven Tax Control Act
skattekvittance tax clearance certificate
skattemæssig succession (profit) hold-over relief or group (tax loss relief) carry-over
Skattemæssigt responsum tax-related opinion (if issued by Inland Revenue, a 'IR35' Opinion)
slutligningskommune local tax authority(ies)
stempelmærkeforhandler revenue stamp dealership
stempelmyndighed stamp tax collection authority
Stk. 1. sec. 1
sygehus clinic
tillaeg firmaudag charged to company expense
tilskudsbeskattet subject to subsidy taxation
Entered by: Helen Johnson
tingsgaver gifts of property
traekprocent ... fradrag tax percentage / Personal Exemption Amount
traktatlig under the reaty, in accordance with the treaty
udkørende fogedforretning på din bopæl enforcement proceedings where the bailiff repairs to the debtor's address
Udligningsskat compensatory tax
vådt i vådt wet on wet
Entered by: Diarmuid Kennan
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