The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

դանիերենից անգլերեն Իրավունք՝ հարկեր, տուրքեր և մաքսեր Translation Glossary

դանիերեն term անգլերեն translation
Frikort certificate of exemption from withholding tax
Fritvalgsops ialt & Fritvalg hensættelse Total PTO & PTO allowance
Entered by: David Rumsey
godtgørelsesberettigede virksomheder businesses entitled to reimbursement
henføre under en ordning (in this context) are subsumed
Honorarnota Invoice for services rendered
i.a.n. n.e.c.
Entered by: Pernille Kienle
identifikationsmedlemsland The Member State where the VAT identification number was issued
interesseforbundne linked by common interests
kamptold retaliatory tariff or retaliatory duty
kan fradrages med den del is allowable to such extent
kassering/kassation cancellation/reversal
Entered by: Diarmuid Kennan
kørselsafregning mileage claim
Entered by: Pernille Kienle
kørselsdag run date
Entered by: Diarmuid Kennan
knæklån payday loan
Entered by: dmesnier
kontingentafgiftsoplag bonded warehouse / bonded warehousing
kontoordninger mv. account agreements / Schemes, etc.
kraenkere infringer
Lagerbeskatte vs. Realisationsbeskatte tax the notional gain vs. tax the actual capital gain (on disposal)
Ligningsmæssige fradrag personal relief
logistikruter transport routes
Markedstillæg/ MAP market related allowance
Modr. skatteværdi Set-off tax value
Momsbestemmelsen the Danish VAT act
myndighedsfejl administrative error
NemKonto pligtig required to have a NemKonto; NemKonto requirement
Entered by: dmesnier
omførsel Itinerant sale
omvendt (in this context) reverse charge
op til up to
Opgørelse af indkomst income account/statement
ophørssttøte (personal) retirement benefit; post-cessation (business) relief
OPKL (Danish) Act on the Collection of Direct and Indirect Taxes
oplysningsseddel certificate of pay and tax deducted
oprykningsdato (PAYE) date of move-up into a higher bracket; (mortgages) tacking date
ovf. til kto. transf. to acct.
pengenæring loan finance trade
Entered by: dmesnier
pensionsskalatrin pension scale bracket
Entered by: Pernille Kienle
periodens bruttoferienenge periods gross vacation pay
reguleringsforpligtelse obligation to regulate
renteudgift interest expenses
repraesentationsomkostninger entertainment expenses
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