The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

իսպաներենից անգլերեն Իրավունք (ընդհանուր) Translation Glossary

իսպաներեն term անգլերեն translation
fondos del Estado, Provincia, Municipio, Hacienda Government, Provincial, Municipal and Treasury funds
habiendo garantizado su manejo en los términos de ley having provided guarantee for the faithful performance of their duties, in accordance with the law
Entered by: Jorim De Clercq
imposibilidad sobrevenida supervening impossibility
informar si se elaboró algún concepto jurídico o de seguridad report if a legal or safety concept has beeen developed (prepared)
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
infracción se consuma the offense is commited
Inserción de Matrimonio Marriage Record
Juez Vigésimo de lo Familiar Twentieth Family Court Judge
Junta Examinadora de Aspirantes al Ejercicio de la Abogacía y Notaría Board of Bar Examiners of Applicants to the Practice of Law & the Notarial Profession
Juzgado Penal Local Letrado Local Criminal Court
la anotación de los puntos que no hubiera sido efectuada recording of points not duly performed
Entered by: Carol Gullidge
la conducta típica the conduct defined as criminal
la intervención de una persona en varias sociedades the involvement of one person in several corporations
la Unidad de Fortalecimiento Institucional de la Secretaría Ejecutiva de... Unit for Institutional Strengthening of the Executive Secretariat
las acreditaciones del personal the staff's qualifications
las pruebas de que intenten valerse the evidence on which (they) intend to rely
laudemios laudemium
Ley de Acefalía Law of Presidential Succession
Entered by: Edward Tully
Ley organica de los tribunales de justicia del fuero comun Organic Law of State Courts of Justice
ley secundaria by means of the \"secondary legislation\"
libre movimiento de divisas free movement/transfer of foreign exchange/currency
MIL UN METROS CUARENTA Y OCHO DECIMETROS one thousand and one point four eight square meters
no obligatoriedad non-compulsory use
Entered by: EirTranslations
no existe reserva mental alguna sobre lo expuesto en este documento ...There is no mental reservation concerning the content of this document...
o que por otros medios ejerce su control final or who has final control by any other means
obligación convenida en tiempo oportuno agreed to liability in a timely manner
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
orientar a depositar designate for deposit in
Pacto de Estado State Pact/Government Agreement
papel Oficio Official paper/foolscap
poner y absolver posiciones to formulate and answer interrogatories
por resolución de esta fecha dictada en el procedimiento de referencia as per/in accordance with the resolution determined on this day with respect to the proceedings ...
preorder or backorder pedido anticipado o pendiente
Proc./ Procedencia (Borough of) Origin
procede el cierre administrativo that administrative closure ( ) is proper
proceder a realizar un nuevo registro re-register the authorizations
proveedores ... adjudicados o declarados desiertos tenders where a contract was awarded or which were declared void
que no será trasladada a las copias que de la misma se libren which shall not be reproduced in any copies thereof that may be issued
Régimen Familiar Parenting Plan [context: dissolution of marriage/divorce/child custody]
Reglamento de Ordenación y Gestión Territorial y Urbanística Regulations on Urban Zoning and Land Management
rendir cuentas del esfuerzo humano realizado to account for the human effort made
renunciar a su escaño resign from his seat / position
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