The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

իսպաներենից անգլերեն Իրավունք (ընդհանուր) Translation Glossary

իսպաներեն term անգլերեն translation
"conoce esta CARTERA el recurso de Apelacion interpuesto por la....." This NOTICE hereby acknowledges the appeal filed by
Entered by: Edward Tully
"Correduría Pública" Public Broker's Office
"dada" en la sala de sesiones de la.... given at the meeting hall of the
"DE OFICIO" by the Court / ex-officio / by law
"de quien ha de juzgar acerca de su viabilidad" whose own reliability must be determined independently
"de su libre y espontánea voluntad" willingly and voluntarily
"deducir testimonio contra" withdrawl
"deportes federados" registered sports
"depositar (...) en caución" deposit (for depositing) ( ) as bond
"depositar judicialmente las llaves" to deliver the keys to a court
"Derecho de la Seguridad Social" Social Security Law
"Derecho de Minería y Aguas" Mining and Water Law (Eg. Post Graduate Diploma in Mining and Water Law)
"desahogar la prevención" present / discuss the warning; present / discuss the preliminary hearing
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
"desmantelamiento patrimonial" asset stripping
Entered by: Edward Tully
"desvanecimiento de pruebas" weakening of (the State's) evidence/the State's case against...
"Director A.I. del Registro Judicial" Director a.i. of the Judicial Register
"el concepto por el que se imponga la obligacion sea..." In respect of the double tax argued by the tax payer by the claimant, the Tribunal did not find that
"en que las leyes directamente distingan la clase de filiación" in which the law directly establishes the family relationship
"Es todo" (leave it out)
"escribiente auxiliar" clerical assistant; (UK) Justices' Clerk
"excelentísimo tribunal" Honourable tribunal
"Expediente de Insolvencia" Insolvency Proceedings
"Expidase testimonio, cumplido ARCHIVESE." A notarized copy shall be issued and filed
"extension de quiebra" a la casa matriz bankruptcy extension / bankruptcy that includes the Head Office
"extiendo esta escritura en la que comparece ante mi " I do issue the present document to the person (female) who appears before me (or alternatively to the appearant)
"fianza de efecto o valores" pledge of goods or securities
Entered by: patinba
"fumus" fumus
"garantía de evicción" warranty of title
"ha acentuado la exigencia del cumplimiento" ...has stressed the requirement for (strict) compliance with
"haciendo las manifestaciones que del mismo se desprenden" making the representations arising thereof
"incoación de expediente de protección de la legalidad urbanística" initiation of proceedings / document instituting proceedings ...
"interviene por si y expresa" acting on his own behalf/name, and states
"la señora había prestado testimonio en la vista del juicio" the woman had testified at the trial
"Ley 7/1985 del 2 de abril Reguladora de las Bases del Regimen Local Regulatory Law 7/1985 of April 2 on the Foundations of the Local Government System
"Ley de Profesiones" Law of Professional Services
"María Lopez C/ Juan Díaz S/ Alimentos" Child Support (or) Maintenance Proceedings
"Negocio jurídico criminalizado" Fraudulent legal activity/practise/business
"ocurre Modulo" to be collected at the mail module
Entered by: wendy griswold
"ORDEN JUS" Order from/of the Ministry of Justice nº 2664/2006
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