| Նյութը | Հրապարակողը Պատասխանները (Դիտակերպեր) Ամենավերջին ուղերձը |
| ES>EN(>ES) General CD-ROM/DVD dictionaries? | 2 (2,235) |
| Looking for Trados license... | 5 (4,130) |
| DE>EN techical dictionary/glossary (telecom) | 6 (2,773) |
| Resources for translating English idioms to Spanish | 6 (2,907) |
| Recommendations for Fr>En business dictionary please | 6 (2,782) |
| Oil and Gas Dictionary | 4 (11,370) |
| Google translations - scientific article I am working is already online ("translated by google") | 8 (3,672) |
| Pronunciation of German phrases using English - looking for tool | 3 (2,541) |
| Professional translation software ( 1, 2... 3) | 30 (9,881) |
| EN>IT>IT Technical dictionaries on CD | 1 (1,834) |
| French to English dictionaries | 14 (3,566) |
| Vocabulary: looking for ENG>FR vocabulary Hoisting cranes | 0 (2,057) |
| Italian handwriting | 3 (7,064) |
| TM with multiple translations of a source segment | 4 (2,253) |
| HELP! Tax Form Needed! (Modelo 100) | 5 (5,875) |
| Installing many dictionaries as Firefox and Internet Explorer add-ons | 14 (3,910) |
| Proofreading courses which one? | 3 (3,633) |
| Is there a way I can get web site texts down to a file format for TagEditor? | 14 (4,001) |
| GlossPost: The World's Online Electrotechnical Vocabulary (all > all)
| 0 (5,720) |
| French to english medical glossary | 2 (2,054) |
| WhiteSmoke - Any experiences to share? ( 1... 2) | 17 (7,065) |
| Free tool to rearrange the buttons in your taskbar | 3 (2,206) |
| Trados 2007 suite/Trados Multi-term extract 2007 | 4 (2,779) |
| Trados + CD dictionaries with netbook? | 4 (3,470) |
| Information about job titles and descriptions (English only) | 3 (4,708) |
| Recommendations for DE-EN CD-rom dictionary | 2 (1,956) |
| Bare Website Translation Tool - A Better Google Translate ( 1... 2) | 24 (7,148) |
| Looking for resource: Microsoft glossary English-Dutch | 8 (4,091) |
| Looking for EN version of BWB-B014a/11.2006 Bieterangaben zum Angebot | 1 (2,742) |
| Program to make good macros for Windows | 12 (3,068) |
| Japanese names: online resource to convert these to a romanized version? | 3 (6,329) |
| Translator group buying for Wordfast: when is the deadline? | 1 (2,246) |
| Looking for book: "An Anthology of Modern Arabic Poetry" | 2 (2,335) |
| "Replace all" terms in the target of a .ttx file ?? | 10 (2,879) |
| Looking for Indian Languages Online Translation Tool | 1 (2,125) |
| Can anyone recommend a good internet browsing translation program | 10 (3,718) |
| Purchasing Multitran Russian < > English Dictionary | 5 (6,938) |
| DTP agency for post-translation DTP | 6 (2,770) |
| I need a Latin<>Russian dictionary | 2 (2,007) |
| Russian verb dictionary | 2 (2,284) |
| book to learn Romanian | 5 (2,582) |
| English to Russian and Russian to English dictionary of business, economics and financial terms | 3 (2,766) |
| Editing Spellcheck dictionaries | 2 (1,946) |
| Trados for Mac? | 10 (6,230) |
| Online Chinese and English Master List of Chinese Business Names | 2 (2,959) |
| GlossPost: Electropedia: The World's Online Electrotechnical Vocabulary (eng,fra > chi,deu,jpn,pol,por,rus,esl,sve)
| 1 (6,494) |
| Dictionnary of medical abbreviations (in French!) | 2 (11,305) |
| Dictionary and reference board project: volunteers welcome | 1 (2,356) |
| French museum names in English | 9 (3,783) |
| Can anyone recommend an online foods specification glossary Eng/Spa? | 3 (2,000) |